View Full Version : Pancake Bombs

25-02-2005, 10:02 AM
Hi all,

Does anyone know where I can get hold of a Pancake Bomb for my downrigger? 'Horse' tells me you can make your own from making two lead molds from old circular jaffle iron and joining them together between a piece of alloy for the fin. Problem is finding the old style jaffle iron. Any assistance would be much appreciated.


25-02-2005, 11:50 AM
This might suit? unless you need more weight, I have been making these since forever they are the large sized snapper sinkers and they do track fairly well, it is just nailed together with pan head nails. cheers.

01-03-2005, 09:03 AM
Thank-you nqcairns,

Looks good and pretty simple to set up. I might end up with it I think.