View Full Version : Up grading hooks?

14-06-2005, 07:11 AM
Morning Everyone,
I'm heading to Hinchinbrook for the first time in october,and I've heard from different people that when heading up north you should up grade your'e hook's on your'e lure's.I like using prawnstars and soft plastic's I have alway's just used the prawnstars straight out of the pachet and never had any problems before.If anyone has had any experience up there using these i would appreciate any advice or help you could offer me.
Many Thank's Cajun

14-06-2005, 09:51 AM
It depends what your chasing. Most australian made lures are usually equiped with strong enough trebles. But it pays to upgrade them anyway. Buy good quality jigheads and you should be right.

15-06-2005, 06:39 AM
Upgrade 'em. The first time I trolled at Hinchinbrook with a standard Gold Bomber the rear trebled was trashed when it was monstered. Eagle Claw makes a really good quality 3x/4x with teflon coating. Just make sure you buy the best you can afford.

15-06-2005, 04:03 PM
Thank's Mattooty,Whiteman I'll check out the eagle claw hook's as well.I've never really taken much notice of that brand before.
Thank's again

16-06-2005, 01:35 PM
Try "OWNER" trebles also very very good.
Captain Blight's have them i think!

17-06-2005, 11:36 AM
Prawnstars were developed at Hinchinbrook, so no worries there with hook size/strength.