View Full Version : Fireline......good or bad

26-09-2005, 08:31 PM
Gday i was just interested to see how many people use fireline. I have it on my little overhead and really dont like it at the moment but im just going to use it for a while to see if it gets any better. Its very wirey i dunno just not to keen on it... what does every one else use???? :o

26-09-2005, 11:38 PM
I use fireline on my plastic set up and like it

27-09-2005, 12:00 AM
fireline will fluff after about 10-12 months cause it is actually a fusion line that is glued together with epoxy resins and then coated in a bath to keep it together.. that's why it's so wirey and that coating is the fluff stuff that comes off.. I hate the shit...stick with fins..

27-09-2005, 01:26 AM
I have been using fireline in a range of sizes for around 18 months and have never had any problems with it at all. I think the fireline is better suited to spinning reels as opposed to overheads though. I probably prefer Fins or Platil on an overhead.


27-09-2005, 08:50 AM
Good or bad? Good. SP's go further.

27-09-2005, 09:17 AM
yeah i just dont like the wirey part of it...my mate uses jigman which is awesome but very expensive so i dunno ill stick it out i guess.

27-09-2005, 11:12 AM
I know it feels wirey, but I run 8lb Fireline on my little 5" Alvey and casts and handles wonderfully. Usually use no sinker or a tiny 000 ball. No twists or tangles and it's strong as. No problems with knots slipping either (using Palomar knot for terminal tackle and Uni-Uni for joining).


27-09-2005, 11:59 AM
fireline is good for me

27-09-2005, 01:23 PM
It all depends on what breaking strain.
I hate the stuff over 10 lb. 30lb or 50lb is like using fencing wire!!!
I have no problem with it at 10lb and under, find it great for light luring and softie work, especially in the 4lb.

Regards, Tony

27-09-2005, 04:10 PM
i am running 30lb so i guess thats a contributing factor of the wirey-ness...its that a word haha! ;D

27-09-2005, 05:44 PM
I was told the fluffing of the fireline was due to abrasion on the guides, ie cracked. I prefer braid over the fireline.

27-09-2005, 06:11 PM
wat braid do u use mick42? :-/

27-09-2005, 08:34 PM
I've got bionic braid (20,30 and 50 pound) on a few of my reels and am pretty happy. It seems i lot smoother than a few out there. i don't do any bream or light spinning but i think the fireline is the go there just because the braid doesn't get that fine, anything over 15lb go the braid

27-09-2005, 10:01 PM
fireline is good mate :)

27-09-2005, 10:23 PM
I'm running 4lb fireline on one rod, and 6lb fireline on the other... Never had any problems with either of them!

I just re-spooled another rod with 10lb fireline, so will see how that goes... From spooling it up it feels ok....

I did also notice on 30lb FINS braid that there was a lot of yellow "powder" came off on my fingers while spooling... It also made "wetting" the knots a very bad tasting experience!

27-09-2005, 11:14 PM
Hve used fireline for years, it has its place, especially in lighter classes of fishing. I use 4lb for trolling lures in estuaries and spinning SP's if I want to go heavier over about 8 - 10 lb I generally use Platil found it to be good on anything from bream to barra and offshore. I have also had the good fortune to use just about every braid/gelspun on the market for little or no cost and have found that fireline works for me in lighter classes and the Platil is better in heavier classes. Also remember that line is only another tool tohelp you catch fish, find one that you are comfortable ith and stick to it.

28-09-2005, 05:26 AM
Personally I have only used fireline on a couple of occasions and I
have found it to be horrible. But that has been in the heavier lines classes.
I would be going for a rounded braid for larger over heads.
You can atleast Thumb it so you get a even lay on your spool with out cutting the sh!t out of your fingers.


28-09-2005, 08:45 AM
It seems you have receiced many replies and comments on the firel ine topic. Fire line isn't soft when it is new, but it does soften and become very supple the more it is used. This does take time, depending on how often you use it. It will go all hairy, but it does not weaken the line. I'm happy to use 'broken in' fireline, although i do use jigman X braided lines. I still can't fault it after 2-3 yrs work. Fire line actually breaks above its rated breaking strain. eg, 30lb on the spool seems to break closer to 40 etc if you do some knot testing and by using scales to test breaking points. Every line has its place in the fishing scene, some just suit more than others. I did take a bloke fishing at Awoonga not long ago, he was using, BRIGHT PINK 30 LB FIRE LINE and he boated a 40 LB barra on his second cast in the lake! I'm sure he likes it!!
Stick to it, give it time to soften, or if you are unhappy, bite the bullet,hang the expense, and buy some softer braid.
Johnny M

29-09-2005, 08:07 AM
It will go all hairy, but it does not weaken the line.
Actually I disagree. Once it starts to fade and go hairy Ive found the lighter stuff (6lb) loses a lot of its strength, particularly at the knot. Dont know about the heavier stuff.

29-09-2005, 09:56 AM
Thanks for all this feedback guys! ;D

29-09-2005, 12:28 PM
Steve starling did a round up on braid vs fused lines in the magazine he writes for a while back. It was very interesting and was done before squidgy braid hit the market so it was very unbiased. Not that he is biased just that it makes it simpler for us if he has no involvement in the stuff ;) he basically said fused lines for spinning reels especially for the lighter stuff and braid for over heads. I think he also said as you get to the higher breaking strains then go for braid on spinning reels also. Hope that all makes sense?? I have had 3 short blacks and no brekky!!

29-09-2005, 12:48 PM
why not just goa braid then and give the fused lines a miss............

Dont all kill me with that comment