View Full Version : Barra lines???

12-10-2005, 12:35 PM
Have been trying a few techniques with my leader to maximise strength etc for when I go Barra fishing soon.

I have been experimenting by twisting and doubling back the leader for approx 10 inch. At the lure end have put on plastic tubing then a crimp, twisting the line and then another crimp at 10inch, then a small plastic bead to protect the rod eyes from the crimp.

My questions are: Is this the best technique and also how do you get the line to stay twisted and not unravel?


12-10-2005, 04:41 PM
i'm not sure but would love to hear how you get on

12-10-2005, 06:51 PM
The best way to do it is use 2 crimps put ur leader through the 2 crimps and then through ur snap and then back through the 1st crimp and crimp it then plait ur leader and then finish by crimping the tag end in the 2nd crimp . cheers billy

13-10-2005, 08:41 AM
Cheers for that mate, but when you say plait the lines, because there are only two lines does this mean just twisting them both together? When I used 60lb line this worked well, however when using 80lb leader, the bottom section just unravels and so you have two loose lines parrelleling each other.
