View Full Version : Help please
14-10-2005, 11:12 PM
Deal all,
I am after a bit of advise.
I will be travelling from England in December for a 6 month stay in Aus (I come in peace...) concentrating mainly around the east coast. I really don't know if I can survive that amount of time without do some sort of fishing, anthing would do. There are a few Australian fishing shows broadcast here and it really looks the business.
I'll keep this short.
I want to buy a spinning travel rod back home and could do with some tips / advice on what type. Shimano do a nice range in various weights which I could also use in Thailand on the way over. Would this type be of any use if i'm near the coast most of my stay? If yes, what weigh and line stength is recommeded etc. All info gratefully recieved. If this is not a good idea please say.
I'll probably go out on some guided trips whilst there but could so with something to keep me busy in the meantime.
Many Thanks
PS: cant wait.........
Can't wait to get over
14-10-2005, 11:43 PM
Welcome to ausfish, I can't help but feel that unless you are having a long spell in Thailand and need the tackle there you would be better to have a chat to someone when you arrive here and then buy.
When you talk our east coast, that ranges from surf beaches where you want a rod about 12', to bays and rivers fished from a boat where 6-7' rod would do the job.
The alternative would be comprimiise on sonething in the 9-10' range and have abit each way.
Sorry I can't be more helpful.
Anyway enjoy the trip when you get here and remember your sunscreen, or you'll go lobster colour pronto
15-10-2005, 07:37 AM
if your backpacking get youself a decent telescopic rod, here or there or in thailand, spend as much as you feel happy with, more money is better in the long run. If you buy here you can expect to get good advice for 'free' with the purchase. Be sure to go into a small shop for better service.
I have a couple travel rods one is a small light weight korean made telescopic and i have caught a wide range of fish with it, its only 2.2m and very light its seen a lot of action and still going strong after 8 years, recently i got a penn 5500ss great little reel, i have 4kg line on it and it works a treat all round. The light line allows for long casting if you have a good reel and good line, which means you can actualy fish beside someone using a 4m rod in the surf ;D you might get a funny look or two but when you catch a fish who cares.
Get good quality line, leader line as well most important for certain fish, a few lures, hooks and sinkers, best way to do that is go to the local tackle shop where you intend to wet a line and they will help you get what you need to target the fish in the area. Best advice i can give is buy in a local shop and the owner will set you up and send you in the right direction for a feed.
one more important tip is to learn how to collect live bait, fresh from where you go fishing; pippis, worms, etc. quality bait is worth the effort. On the other hand soft plastics are all the rage these days so you might give them a try. A local uses 15cm soft plastic in the poddy mullet design and he caught some great jewies recently... I think i will give them a go.
Tight lines and have a great trip.
15-10-2005, 03:03 PM
Welcome to the site mate.
I'm an ex pomm living in Brizzy. If you're up this way then I can clue you up when you get here. There's many different ways to fish the E coast and technique and tackle vary, according to your targeted species.
Tackle is much cheaper here so I would wait till you get over.
I'm originally from breezy Blackpool btw ;D If you want more info, then you can pm me with your email addy.
15-10-2005, 08:23 PM
I think you are getting a good steer here, there are so many styles of fishing and so many species to catch that your best bet is to look for some gear out here. There is always good 2nd hand gear around and it wil be easier to get what you need when you work out what you want to catch. 8-)
15-10-2005, 08:40 PM
OK Pom...( I will call you that cause I dont know your real name and I am also a pom. A Yorkshire man to be exact. Born in Rotheram) My personal opinion would be to invest in a medium range rod and reel say a Shimano 7 or 8 footer medium action with a spinner and 10 kilo line. I use this combination for boat, jetty and beach fishing. I find it a good all rounder outfit and with a 2 piece rod you will find it easier to pack and travel.
Also pom, when you get up to Gladstone in central QLD I would be happy to take a fellow pom out on the good ship "Carnelpya" for a spot of reef fishing.
You picked a good site to join if you love fishing and need a hand. AUSFISH.COM No1
15-10-2005, 08:44 PM
Welcome to the site mate.
I'm an ex pomm living in Brizzy. If you're up this way then I can clue you up when you get here. There's many different ways to fish the E coast and technique and tackle vary, according to your targeted species.
Tackle is much cheaper here so I would wait till you get over.
I'm originally from breezy Blackpool btw ;D If you want more info, then you can pm me with your email addy.
B.S. Kev....Theres no such thing as an EX POM. If ya were born in England, your a pom. And if ya from Blackpool, well, I just gotta say, we hasd a boarding house there before we came to Australia. No 1 Peter st....he he memories. I came here when I was 7 and although I dont believe there is a better country in the world than Australia, I am still a pom....not an ex pom. ;)
16-10-2005, 10:05 AM
Newby mate, small world! :o :D
What age are you? You lived just one street away from where my grandmother lived. They had a boarding house which they converted to a chippy at 63 Buchanan St and were a well known family in the area (The Dickinsons)
I was raised in Blackpool Orphanage on Talbot Rd and when I used to run away, I'd spend a lot of my time in that area around caunce st and peter st and another street that I forget the name of. There was a family called the Alpins who were "tatters" and I used to run their donkeys for them on the beach. I went to Devonshire Rd school as most kids from that area did. It burned down only last year.
The hippodrome cinema was just round the corner from you and we used to go to the Saturday morning matinee there. Just as the cinema came out so did the Synagogue situated underneath. Most of the kids used to spend the rest of the morning throwing stuff at the Orthodox Jewry trying to knock off their big top hats as they left...........Jeeeeez, we were naughty back then, peashooters were in vogue as were catapults ;D
16-10-2005, 11:44 AM
welcme mate...seeing as you are coming over here there are 2 things we would like to bring with you:
1. The Rugby World Cup
2. The Ashes
Enjoy your stay and hopefully you get amongst the fish
16-10-2005, 11:58 AM
welcme mate...seeing as you are coming over here there are 2 things we would like to bring with you:
1. The Rugby World Cup
2. The Ashes
Enjoy your stay and hopefully you get amongst the fish
A couple of packets of Bisto would go down well too, as would a decent pork pie.
A couple of packets of Bisto would go down well too, as would a decent pork pie.
PM your snail mail address - I'll sort you out with the Bisto. Should also be able to help with a pork pie or two, but I don't suppose you or Australia Post would thank me for posting them!
16-10-2005, 02:38 PM
I am also an EX Pom as you know, Porkies as I grew up knowing them as are just not the same over here are they.....
You used to be able to get genuine imported Pork Pies at David Jones in the Queen St mall a few years back....
Otherwise there is a small take away deli and general shop just at the Emu Plains shops in western subs of Sydney..... bit of a drive but well worth it for the pork pies...... ;D
16-10-2005, 02:47 PM
>Otherwise there is a small take away deli and general shop just at the Emu Plains shops in western subs of Sydney..... bit of a drive but well worth it for the pork pies...... <
Thanks for that Graeme. If I set off now, d'ya think I'll make it back in time for dinner? ;) ;D
16-10-2005, 03:43 PM
Geeze Kev didn't realise the new tub had that type of range........ ;D
You could have probs getting that far up the Nepean..... ::)
16-10-2005, 03:52 PM
Geeze Kev didn't realise the new tub had that type of range........ ;D
You could have probs getting that far up the Nepean..... ::)
18-10-2005, 07:48 PM
Newby mate, small world! :o :D
What age are you? You lived just one street away from where my grandmother lived. They had a boarding house which they converted to a chippy at 63 Buchanan St and were a well known family in the area (The Dickinsons)
I was raised in Blackpool Orphanage on Talbot Rd and when I used to run away, I'd spend a lot of my time in that area around caunce st and peter st and another street that I forget the name of. There was a family called the Alpins who were "tatters" and I used to run their donkeys for them on the beach. I went to Devonshire Rd school as most kids from that area did. It burned down only last year.
The hippodrome cinema was just round the corner from you and we used to go to the Saturday morning matinee there. Just as the cinema came out so did the Synagogue situated underneath. Most of the kids used to spend the rest of the morning throwing stuff at the Orthodox Jewry trying to knock off their big top hats as they left...........Jeeeeez, we were naughty back then, peashooters were in vogue as were catapults ;D
\Bloody small world kev. I dont remember too much. Was only 7 when we left. My old man lives with us and I will show him this post in the morning and see what he remembers. He is 72 and probably wont remember his I will send ya a pvt message mate.
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