View Full Version : Applause 8000 and braid

20-10-2005, 06:40 PM
I just bought a ryobi applause on Ebay can anyone advise me what they think would be the heaviest braid I could run on this reel and still get a decent cast out of it with slugs?

Very occasionally it may be used for light-medium bottom fishing on the reef.

Applause 8000 5.0 : 1 10kg 22-250 25kg-220 30kg-175 595 g

Cheers and thanks fnq

22-10-2005, 04:46 PM
I run 30lpb braind on my on my okumas on a 10foot mini surf and can blast those lures out a mile.. I think optimally 20 pound braid is better for casting it will still break way above 20lpb anyway. My 30 pound braid casts better than my old 10 pound mono so I am happy.

23-10-2005, 08:52 AM
Thanks Crafty, this reel has 2 spools I will take your advice on spool one and go heavy on the other, spooling heavy is easy ;).
This braid caper is so expensive!
thanks fnqcairns