View Full Version : Tying 6lb fireline

07-02-2006, 04:27 PM
Hi guys I'm after some info on peoles thoughts about tying mono to 6lb fireline
I have tried Blood knot line joiner which fail everytime... on the knot under very little load.....
I then tried a spider hitch the bimnie thinking I could join the mono using a locking blood to the double... but again both the spider and bimnie fail on the knot under very little load..
I'm a newbie here but also to fireline please bear with me..
If this has been covered I'm sorry just steer me in the direction of the thread...
I amagine many here do this with ease and i would appreciate any info on this topic...

I sorce 1000yards from ebay and I'm starting to worry I've been ripped hehe

Just a little info about myself being my first thread 32y male
live on the central coast NSW I have had a passion for fishing all my life... I grew up with the beach on one side lake on the other, also my perents had a farm up near Tamworth were I have done a lot of inland stuff...
I have a Island shore 4.9 with a 75 merc but my rule passion is chasing duey's of the beach...
I have my own rod lathe and refuse to use commercially made rods... silly and dear way to operate I know but I get alot of enjoyment from spinning my own...
anyway enough woffle...any info would be great cheers guys oldmate

07-02-2006, 04:32 PM
I just use a double uni knot to join leader to braid. That's running 6lb fireline to 10lb mono, or 4lb fireline to 6lb vanish flourocarbon.

Depending on what mono you are using (how heavy) will depend on if you tie a double into the braid or not... If you're using heavy mono, then I would tie a double... If you're only using a leader of about up to 10lb leader (ie The leader is only a little bit thicker than the braid), then just the straight double uni should be fine by itself.

You will find this post will get moved to the Tackle section as well, so don't get a shock :)

And welcome to the site!

07-02-2006, 04:39 PM
Thx Dan lighting fast...
will have a go and report back...
btw using 10 lb trilene :)

07-02-2006, 04:42 PM
I just use an Albright, but make sure you tie the braid around the mono, not the mono around the braid.

Nice and simple. I couldn't tie a bimini twist for a double to save my life.

Good luck,

07-02-2006, 04:47 PM
Fireline can be successfully tied to mono....

I use the "improved Albright knot" but the double uni is also great

I have tied hundreds of joins using the Albright - Fireline to backing, Foreline to leader, and NEVER once has the knot failed, always broke the mono or fireline first.

07-02-2006, 05:13 PM
i also a spider hitch & double uni knot or albright to join to leader,but i ad a small drop of super glue to my knots for insurance. can't remember the last time a knot let go..

07-02-2006, 05:52 PM
Hmm I will buy a small spool from our local tomorrow
Nearly sure the line is faulty now.... has anyone come across faulty fireline before???

07-02-2006, 06:27 PM
Improved Albright for me too. I use 6lb/8lb Fireline to 8/lb 12/lb leader.

I have found if the fireline is sun/salt damaged, a little frayed and pale in colour, then the strength is greatly reduced - by the knot. It seems alright on its own but once you tie the leader on it goes really easy. I have spent a bit of time testing this, now I keep my fireline in good nick.

So maybe the fireline isnt faulty? Just old?


07-02-2006, 07:09 PM
double blood knot has never failed me even when tieing 6lb to 15lb leader
just make sure u hold both tags somehow and pull the lines apart slowly (mainline and leader)
or if that doesnt tickle ur fancy then tie a bimini twist to albright. ;)

07-02-2006, 07:17 PM
Very good thought Jake.... aparently this line has been in storage for over 12 months...
(heaven knows the truth) ::)

Would be interesting if this actually is the case............ and if somone has info on the rate that the line deteriorates.....have any other members got thoughts about
fireline deteriorating with age or the likes.... I've brought two 1000yard spools 6Lb & 10Lb on ebay although only paying about half price it would be a shame to do $200 cold... and the seller has told me a refund is know trouble if there is a problem...
regard Ben

07-02-2006, 07:24 PM
Sorry I should add the boxes, spools and line it self seem to be in excellent condition...the only thing I can think would be its age.... :-/

07-02-2006, 07:44 PM
I've found if the fireline is sun/salt damaged, a little frayed and pale in colour, then the strength is greatly reduced - by the knot. It seems alright on its own but once you tie the leader on it goes really easy. I have spent a bit of time testing this, now I keep my fireline in good nick.

So maybe the fireline isnt faulty? Just old?


Ive also encountered this problem. Once Fireline goes "grey" line strength is greatly reduced. Also, if your using a running sinker on braid this will cause a greater wear rate, thus reducing line strength. It's alwalys good to give yor Fire line a decent wash in freesh water(any braid) so salt crystals don't cause any damage. As for the knot, I always use a high quality swivel, though that may not be approiate,pending your fishing style......

cheers....... 8-)

07-02-2006, 07:53 PM
I use a bimini twist on my 6lb fireline then a double uni to join the 8lb leader.

Its handy this setup as the line generally breaks at the leader and not the fireline so you can avoid doing a double uni again to fix things up.


07-02-2006, 08:38 PM
I use 4,6 and 15lb Fireline on my Threadies and only use a uni to uni knot..I've never had a knot slip yet always breaks at the leader or the Fireline...

07-02-2006, 09:18 PM
The double uni is all i use on my gear, the proof of its streangth is in the post in 'estuary reports' entitled "landbased reefies" thats 8lb fireline to 12lb mono leader. Just a thought to add on ur mono choice, i find trilene very poor in abrasion resistane, mayb try a flurocarbon line like Yo-zuri, ive had great sucess with it. just a thought

08-02-2006, 07:30 AM
I use 4lb fireline to 10 lb platil strong st leader connected by Geoff Wilsons twisted leader knot for gelspun lines. Holds together really well, never had it break at the knot.
When I snag up and have to break off the mono lets go before the fireline. Brilliant setup for bass and flathead luring.

08-02-2006, 09:09 AM
I've never tried that knot before... However it looks a little bulky... Do you have problems with it hitting on your guides?

08-02-2006, 09:43 AM
I haven't tried tying it in anything else, but in the sizes I mentioned the knot is tiny and has never looked like binding on the tip. In fact I can't say that I've ever even noticed it when I'm winding back in for the next cast.
/me goes to check
And to clarify.. I haven't yet had to break off a lure.. I use the same rig when baitfishing shrimp for bass, and have had the need to snap off from a snag.

08-02-2006, 11:43 AM
I have recently been having problems with 6lb fireline in pink that has been on the reel for about 12 months. I spent a couple of hours trying every knot mentioned here with different leaders, doubles , removal of 20m of old fireline to get to new etc, but I continually had the same result - failures at the leader join. I compared to 4lb in pnk and reckon it was stronger than the 6lb by a fair margin, so I'm conviced there are bad batches (of which I appear to have one). The thing I noticed as difference between the good 4lb and bad 6lb was the way it wears. The 4lb seemed to fade and fray a little, while the 6lb stayed very normal looking. I don't know if it means anything but I will be keeping an eye on it. I just bought a new spool of 6lb hoping this will fix the problem.......

08-02-2006, 12:09 PM
Never tried the pink, my experience is only with the smoke coloured. Have heard about 'bad batches' tho'.

08-02-2006, 12:33 PM
Another thing to remember when using braid is most knots have been developed for mono and may need an extra turn or 3 when adapted to fine gelspun lines.

when tying my 6lb gelspun to mono leader with a double uni I use 7-10 turns in the gelspun side instead of the usual 5 for mono. but only on the gelspun side.

I've just started using the albright knot and i'm finding it very successfull. haven't broken one. :o yet. ;D

As for old age.......i've got 10ld squidgy braid on a baitcaster that was rarley used in the last 8 months started to suffer from mystery casting break offs. Not catastropic Twang type bust offs but just cast my lure and begin to wind but theres nothing there >:( :o. lure floating down the river with 15meters of gelspun floating behind it?????? happened twice in 3 casts so i binned the next 20 metres untill it looked like new line left. BUT!!!!

on another Spin reel thats had regular work in the same period with 6lb squidgey braid bought same day have never had a knot fail, never had the braid break when using leader, always breaks leader ( usually either 6 or 10 lb mono) if snagged.

spooky huh

cheers, roo

08-02-2006, 05:07 PM

There are bad batches of the fireline.. when you find some good stuff get as much as you can.
Had some that was rated at 20lbs, would have been lucky to break at a quarter of that.
weird that berkley doesn't check them though...

just for the record i use a double uni and swear by it for all lighter spinning stuff. never let me down

09-02-2006, 11:28 PM
And make sure you wet the line before you tighten it. I just put it in my mouth and give it some spit ;)