View Full Version : Pack Rods

23-02-2006, 12:38 PM
Does anyone have a good pack rod - ie 3-4-or 5 piece spinning or baitcaster outfit - whats available, what have you used, any reccomendations? - Also, does anyone use a telescopic outfit? Travelling with expensive 1 piece rods can be a pain in the butt, rod tubes are not always conveinient so any reccomendations please - cheers, Raef

23-02-2006, 12:45 PM
Raef, if you want realy compact, telescopic is the way to go.

I found a beaut one floating with Penn reel attached near Munna Pt Bridge about 3 months ago. Can't remember the brand, but it must have been in the water only for any a few hours, probably fell out of some guys boat and he didn't notice...there was no one else around.

Anyway, washed it thoroughly, took it around to Davo's at Noosaville where they had these rods selling for $119, so it wasn't cheap crap.

Used it many times since and it is a beauty, keep it in the boot of the car

23-02-2006, 01:09 PM
Ok, just went down and got it out of the car. Its a BANAX powerpack. Just searched the internet and came up with a US tackle store selling the same one for $69.95 USD.

It is only 58 cm stored, 2.3m (7ft 6") extended. They do come in bigger sizes.

ike I said, good rod.....if I hadn't found it I never would have cosidered using a telescopic

23-02-2006, 01:15 PM

As a lot of my fishing involves traveling and usually flights so most of my outfits can fit into suitcasee.

For spinning I use a DAM telesopic rod around 2.1m, I have also 3 (1 6kg and 2 10kg) travel pack baitcaster rods (4 piece) from Cabelas (I think XML) and these are great I have landed tuna up to 20kg on them without a problem.

Check Cabelas site, there are both branded (GLoomis, Penn, etc) and under Cabela brand pack rods (have a very good look at the specifications and you can figure out a lot ;) ;) ;) ;) ;))

I have also a couple of light telescopic rods for freshwater fishing from 3 to 8 meters purchased locally in China and they are excellent (although not cheap).

23-02-2006, 03:38 PM
My brother-inlaw has a penn 3 peice baitcaster.


got a few good barra and takes outside for macks. puts his 5500C3 abu on it. I had a cast with it once. very stiff, but to be expected with 6-8kg rating.

cheers, Roo

23-02-2006, 03:38 PM
oops :( :-? :-X

23-02-2006, 03:50 PM
I bought the Shimano Traveller 3 piece (2-4kg) spin rod. It's 6'6" and is a very nice rod!


23-02-2006, 03:51 PM
MAte i use a 6'7" Penn Elite, which is a 3 piece rod. Use it for flicking palstics for bream flathead trevs and the like. HAd it 2 years and comes in a solid little case so yeah great for travelling.

23-02-2006, 06:38 PM
Have got a 5 peice Shakesphere spin rod. About 6ft long when put together. Comes in a nlylon covered rod tube and sits behind the seat in my ute so I always have a rod with me. Matched up with a small pheulger spinnig reel, it is an excellent travel rod.


23-02-2006, 06:43 PM
I found the link to Cabelas,

They have them on sale now and in addition if you buy 2 you get one free.
