View Full Version : SHIMANO BTR 4500 Baitrunner

18-02-2006, 08:42 PM
Hi Fellas, theres a used BTR 4500 reel im looking at on eeebaaayyy, it's got $68 on it and less than 24hours to go. Does it sound like a Good deal?
What can go wrong with these reels? and would it be a good spare if it was buggered?
Cheers, Offshore_4.9 :-/

19-02-2006, 12:33 PM
Mate, with ebay, check the price with 3 or 4 mins to go, will give you a better indication of final price. Buyers of fishing gear on ebay are pretty sharp operators IMO, when it comes to a desirable item like the reel you mention, they'll hang back till close to the end of the auction in order to try for a bargain, as you do! ;)
Minor problems with the reel MIGHT be easy/cheap to fix, but with ebay, generally you can't physically check the item in person, as such there is always an element of uncertainty, but hey, thats ebay, eh! ::)
Good luck, a little b/r would be a great spare reel, but, personally, if it's likely to let me or a buddy down in the heat of battle, I wouldn't want it aboard!

19-02-2006, 12:47 PM
Hey thanks Nigel, i will be hanging in the background in the last few minutes to go on the auction.
Looks like a good deal at present!
Tight lines.


20-02-2006, 10:38 AM
Well...how'd ya go..win it?

21-02-2006, 06:25 PM
Yep i was out bid!
Bugger, will keep looking i suppose.

26-02-2006, 01:41 AM
Try using a "sniping" tool.
Works for me every time!

26-02-2006, 08:23 AM
hey blinky ,ive bought a few of your items before,whats a sniping tool,how does it work, cheers STORMTROUT.

27-02-2006, 06:21 PM
Hey StormTrout,
A sniping tool is an aid to win the auction, there are heaps of them around, most have a free version. I use auctionstealer.com.
What it basically does is bid on your behalf when there is approx 10 seconds to go till the auction closes, thereby making it nearly impossible for you to be out bid, unless.....your not the highest bidder or someone snipes against you. The paid versions can get down to around a 3 second bid!
They are very handy when you are bidding on something that closes at an odd hour of the day or when you are exceptionally keen to win the item.

28-02-2006, 07:14 AM
These are a great reel if you can get hold of one parts are very available and easy to repair. not a lot goes wrong