View Full Version : Gob Grippers = Lip Rippers

18-03-2006, 01:06 PM
Reading a recient post on grippers and going armchair fishing in my living room got me wondering.

Are grippers really the way to go in lifting a fish? I've seen some big gutted cod and the like lifted using grippers and it dosen't look like it would be too nice an experience for the fish (this isn't a greenie thing by the way). Wouldn't a net or tail or belly lift be less stressful on the fish?

I've never personally used them or been with anyone who has so I am only commenting on what I've read and seen on TV.

Any other views? [smiley=gossip.gif]

Cheers 8-)

18-03-2006, 01:18 PM
It can cause fatal gill damage to lift a large fish by the jaw. The lip grip is fine so long as you use the other hand to support the fishes body.

18-03-2006, 01:18 PM
My primary use for grippers is for hook removal on fish destined for the esky,they are brilliant on parrot and other slippery or spikey customers,once the hook is out you can then use the grippers to push the fish to the bottom of the ice slurry.I think they'd be allright on certain species providing you were able to suport the fish around it's mid section if release was on the cards.