View Full Version : rod guides

21-03-2006, 09:49 PM
what are the best guides made of....there are so many and they are made of all different materials
are ceramic guides any good
what about titanium

22-03-2006, 06:19 AM
hey mate,
I think most people will agree that fuji make the best guides. Have a look at their website, fujitackle.com I think it is and they will tell you what is their best. off memory, i think its called gold cement or something like that.

22-03-2006, 10:41 AM
Gold cermet would be top of the tree with slicon carbide a close second then probably alconite(?) there are a few after this,they are all classed as ceramics of some kind and the titanium you refer to is what the frame of the runner is made of most other frames are made of a high grade stainless.

22-03-2006, 07:17 PM
Fuji guides,the top of the tree is gold plated frames with Ruby inserts ,not many sold out side of Japan, if you want top shelf 100 % titanium frames and silicon rings the American tackle are worth a look and a lot cheaper than the Fuji ,HST