View Full Version : What line to use

30-03-2006, 02:34 PM
Hey Guys

Just in the process of sorting out a new rod and reel combo, I have settled on a 6'6 10-15kg live fibre overhead rod with a shimano tyrnos 20.

This will be a bit of an allround rod with trolling and bottom bashing its main purpose.

Now i have generally used mono line most my life and have read about braid not being the best for trolling with, though with a big enough leader will this cause an issue?

I would love braid for bottom bashing but don't want to use it if it will compromise trolling too much

Interested to hear your thoughts


30-03-2006, 06:24 PM
What many are doing is running braid as it is far far superior for bottom bashing, but then running a super long leader when they troll - 20, 30, 40, 50m is not uncommon to allow a sufficient shock asorbtion.

30-03-2006, 08:49 PM
The first time I used braid I didn't like it. It seemed to tangle easier than mono and the knots broke for no reason. That was about 10 years ago and now I have it on 90% of my reels. The only reels I have with mono are ones I haven't got around to changing yet.

I reckon 50 pound braid would be best for your outfit. If you're after a suggestion on brand I'd say Bionic Braid or Platil Millenium II.

I'd even stick with Braid for trolling. At first I thought mono made better sense for trolling, but after trolling two 50lb outfits side by side numerous times I've found the hooks stick much better with braid.

I still use mono for leaders, but I can no longer see the benefit of spooling a reel with the stuff.



03-04-2006, 12:01 PM
80lb braid!

03-04-2006, 04:55 PM
80lb braid!

i think 50lb will do me fine

03-04-2006, 05:04 PM
I think 30lb will be just fine :)

TinarooTriumph 8-)