View Full Version : painting blanks?

16-04-2006, 03:52 PM
hi all,cleaning up an old silstar powertip before getting it re runnered,and was going to give it a quick coat of black paint,just wondering if i would be better off using enamel,acrylic or polyurethane?...i guess enamel would be more flexible than the others but concerned the rod varnish may react to it.any ideas on this guys?thanks,casta.

17-04-2006, 12:03 PM
When I've painted a few blanks in the past, I've used an epoxy enamal paint, suck as kill rust and those sort of things. Did a few rods about 3 years ago and they are still looking great and catching fish. I wouldn't use Rod Varnish as such, but use the 2 pack epoxy on the runner bindings only. Will give you a lot better looking, and more durable finish. One tip with using epoxy resins as to get no bubbles in it, when mixing and stirring together, don't beat it like an egg, but gently stir and keep what ever you are mixing it with in the resin at all times. Reduces the chances of timy air bubbles forming.

17-04-2006, 04:19 PM
thanks for the advice bill,casta.

18-04-2006, 03:37 PM
Mate just go buy a can fiddly bits paint from Big Dub, Bunnings or anyoneof those hardware places. A can of undercoat also dont go astray if you want to do a wee bit better:)..
Remove the guides stick the balnk under the tap outback and give it a gentle rub with wet n dry as you rotate the blank for a more even removal and smooth transition of old paint..
When painting the blank dont go doing it in one hit, again rotate balnk and do it over a few sprays so you get a good even distribution os spray over the blank and give it ample dry time too..