View Full Version : braid lines

16-09-2006, 11:49 AM
Are braid lines better than mono lines.


16-09-2006, 01:02 PM
Well Tunaboy, this has been covered a few times before on various chats.

A lot depends on what type of fishing that you are doing.

Impoundments yes.

Reef yes.

Deep sea trolling?

Estuary bait mono.

Estuary Lure Braid.

Surf fishing Alvey mono.

Surf fishing spinning Braid.

We all have our favourites and it pays to read a few threads on what type of fishing that you are interested in. Should find all the info that you require.

Or start a thread but give a few details and then it will be easier for fellow Ausfishers to pass on the info that you require.

Just a couple of tips.
