View Full Version : Fish Measuring Stickers

01-10-2006, 11:43 PM
Just trying to find out where I could purchase the stickers to stick on your boat that have the measuring ability. I would prefer the ones that list the fish lengths & bag limits on them. Need to be the QLD regs. (Like the ones Archie's give out)

Am looking to purchase a few (Around 20-30 to start with), so hoping to find somewhere that does them cheaper in bulk.

If anyone has any info, please email me on fishin_dan@ausfish.com.au


02-10-2006, 02:28 AM
Do you have a yak Dan?


02-10-2006, 03:46 PM
If you want to get that many, design your own and go to a sign writer (some do stickers too) or printer that does stickers, that way you can get exactly what you want.


02-10-2006, 03:58 PM
they used to give them away with a purchase from cable connections ( they sell steering cables and control cables, they are at bracken ridge .might be able to find out where he gets them. hubby

02-10-2006, 04:37 PM
That's an interesting idea Mick. I may look at that.

I know there are a few signwriters on here... Anyone want to talk to me about doing this?

02-10-2006, 04:43 PM
Wouldn't Ausfish do them as part of their sticker business?

Or start doing them?

Just a thought - ask Steve


02-10-2006, 06:35 PM
you are better off with a screenprinter than a signwriter, will have initial setup costs & printing will be relatively cheap. then you will always have the screen for any more you want to do...

02-10-2006, 06:42 PM
Try your local tackle stores!


02-10-2006, 07:15 PM
Wouldn't Ausfish do them as part of their sticker business? Or start doing them? Just a thought - ask Steve

Was thinking the same, but just hadn't got a chance to PM him. Will be doing it tonight though...

Try your local tackle stores!

Have been talking to one. Will see where it goes.

02-10-2006, 07:17 PM
There was a time we gave them away here at work, then it was discovered they shrink after being exposed to the weather, therefore giving a false measurement of your catch.

Keep this in mind if contemplating keeping anything that's "Borderline" !

02-10-2006, 10:26 PM
There was a time we gave them away here at work, then it was discovered they shrink after being exposed to the weather, therefore giving a false measurement of your catch.

Keep this in mind if contemplating keeping anything that's "Borderline" !

only if done on cheap vinyl..

03-10-2006, 03:21 PM

Why do you need a measuring sticker? Do you catch fish that are big enough to measure? ;D ;D

I always thought most tackle shops got them done up as advertising. I am surprised that Ausfish haven't bought them out - but then again which state do you use as all have different sizes.

Nomes :)

03-10-2006, 03:35 PM
:o Naomi! When have I ever been mean to you!!! he he he

There are a few tackle shops that do them for advertising, but that's not what I was looking at them for. I have been in contact with a few people about this, and it turns out they are pretty expensive to make... WAY past what I had in mind!

So instead I am thinking about my options, and considering something else entirely.

Thanks everyone for all your help.


03-10-2006, 06:31 PM
Poor Queenslanders. NSW fisheries gives them away with Great colour ID pics on them. 1 for salt and 1 for fresh. I got my last set from the local calt ex servo in hastings point. I think wherever you can buy a hook will have them.....

But that s not much good to you is it.

cheers, Roo.

04-10-2006, 09:53 PM
One of the guys I work with just had 100 printed for 25 dollars each. They are accurate but at that price they are not give aways. plus that is for a straight ruler - actual length on one side and 1 cm bins on the other side.
Email me and I'll pass on the necessary details.

04-10-2006, 10:46 PM
One of the guys I work with just had 100 printed for 25 dollars each. They are accurate but at that price they are not give aways. plus that is for a straight ruler - actual length on one side and 1 cm bins on the other side.
Email me and I'll pass on the necessary details.

$25 each!!! :o

The problem is I kinda did want them for giveaways :'(

08-10-2006, 09:26 AM
i purchased one yesterday from the fishing tackle shop near the warehouse morayfield $5.00 hubby