View Full Version : Are Fuji guides durabile..... long term ?????

07-10-2006, 07:17 PM
Hi all,

The last few years i'v had an issue with the guides put onto two of the same brand of rod both being Fuji. I've had quite a few rods in my time and with different guides and these are the only ones that don't seem to stack up in every day wear to wear. Has anyone else had problems with these guides ?? :(

07-10-2006, 09:30 PM
I have used fuji rod guides on all my custom rods and have had no problems with corrosion . They are not the industry leader for nothing. Not having a go or saying you dont look after your gear but have you been washing down your rods after each use?

I pay particular attention to my guides when washing rods down as these are the busineess end of the rod. The only fuji stuff I have not been fond off is the chrome guides or gold framed guides.

I have used other brands on some rods if someone wanted a particular colour eg chamelion but have always recommended the fijis first.

What guide model are you talking about and do they have fuji stamped on the frame of the guide?



07-10-2006, 09:42 PM
Fuji in general, ::) they claim to be the best ;) but from my dealings they fall very short of the mark ;)

07-10-2006, 09:43 PM
Like Aaron I have tried them all, PacBay, Batson, REC, AMTAK etc. I only recomend Fuji guides on my customers rods. Their corrosion resistance wins hands down over the others. For a few extra dollars why go the cheaper way, unless you want the colours. I do use these other guides only when the customer asks for them or colour ones are needed (usually by the request of the customer).
Again as Aaron said Fuji are the guides they all copy, why by an imitation.
But to answer your question, no I haven't. Their guides are made lightest possible for their application, with this a bit of care is needed. If they guides are going to be abused then use a more heavy duty guide.


07-10-2006, 10:08 PM

07-10-2006, 10:10 PM

08-10-2006, 01:49 AM

09-10-2006, 05:31 AM
Replaced the fuji runners on my surf rod last year after 30 years. (I built it myself) Had no problems with corossion etc. I broke one, and the binding was getting pretty sad on the others, and I could not match the type of runner so I just replaced the lot for appearance.

09-10-2006, 09:26 AM
I have tried many brands over the years with negative results. I think the companies that make these guides only copy the look and not the internal characteristics that is the most important factor. Not only frame materials but also the content of silicon that goes into each ring which makes the difference. I have to say that I’m yet to find a guide that is reliable as Fuji over the long term period. Of course some are worse than others but at the end of the day I wouldn’t use any of them. I’m not saying Fuji is perfect, infact they need some changes to improve on frames and so on, but at the end of the day I would only reach for a Fuji guide. Many people are told that “what ever you do don’t drop a silicon guide or it will shatter”. I’m yet to see one do this, in fact I have sent them sailing across my factory at a great rate of knots with not one breakage. I think many are mis informed by people who shouldn’t be giving advice on a subject they know nothing about. I have heard some crap stories by so called experts only to sell their wears. I have done most all tests I can think of that would or could affect a silicon guide, and the Fuji keeps coming up in front of all others.


09-10-2006, 08:50 PM
Timing,,,,,, I changed a fuji tip today. The rod is only 8 months old and the centre section (don't know what it is called) fell out. I take very good care of them as well.

09-10-2006, 09:25 PM
Good timing craig ;D ;D Replace it with another fuji, they all have there braking point and even the best fail but your better off with the quality components then a copy or cheap nasty tip ;)...foxy

10-10-2006, 07:37 AM
I should have mentioned, yes did replace with another fuji.


10-10-2006, 09:28 AM
I have had some of the cheaper Fuji tips come out after years of hard and fast service. If the tip gets a hard enough knock or even a soft knock say 5 times a day during fishing then one day it will fall out. The other issue is rocket launchers, rod destroyers, what ever you want to call them; they pose the biggest threat to any rod.


10-10-2006, 10:06 AM
Hi Cheech,

The tip guide is the hardest working of all your guides on your rod. They are the first guide to be banged against a wall,roof etc as you move your rods around the house/boat/ fishing spot.
Fishing line pulls straight off this guide down to the water etc and and under load constantly and is where the most friction is located on the rod. i fit silicon tips to my rods for this reason even if i have used alconites etc on the rest of the rod. Maybe not so important with smaller light rods but definately on the larger med/heavy rods 6-24kg until a roller is fitted.



10-10-2006, 04:47 PM
fuji make great guides but they aren't less susceptible to corrosion than any other brand, I have fujis that are corroded because of lack of care, its how you look after them.

10-10-2006, 04:55 PM

That is true to a certain extent. If the guide is rusting then you can put that down to a poor build and failure of attention to detail. If the guide is in fact prepped in the right fashion then rust won’t be an issue. The Chinees rip offs are some of the worst for rusting as well as the frame finish coming off after 12 months.


10-10-2006, 05:07 PM
Yeh I agree stuart, basically I haven't seen much difference in corrosion resistance between fuji, freeway, pac bay... still prefer fuji but have built a few rods now with freeway guides and they are holding up fine, time of course will tell. ;)

10-10-2006, 07:59 PM
Timing,,,,,, I changed a fuji tip today. The rod is only 8 months old and the centre section (don't know what it is called) fell out. I take very good care of them as well.

I had one go after 4 months and the rod was used on about 6 - 8 ocassions :(

The biggest dissopiontment is that i'll stear clear of these rods (which I like) now because of the experience i've had with the guides on them. :-/ Why would I fork out $100+ for one of these new rods given there the only two rods i've had problems with the guides :( My Shimmano Spectrum 7ft rod bought as a $70 rod and reel combo 3 years ago shows no sign of deterioration in the guides.

Will stop my whingeing now and check out the rod building section and have a go at replacing the guides with new ones :D