View Full Version : Soft Plastics Scent Recipe

09-10-2006, 04:50 PM
Never thought I would say this but those scented SPs go like the hammers!
The other day I was getting snipped up big time by the Toadies (Grrrrr >:( >:() so I put on an old SP grub with twister tail.
Didn't get a hit at all.
By the way I am an old school Mr Twister double tail fan (still am I guess)
Changed back to the scented and got snipped up straight away.
Since using the new scented SP's I reckon they are combining the best of both worlds.

BUT, what to do with all my old SPs?
Does anyone have a recipe which the olderstyle SP's could soak in to give them this scented advantage?
Plus would also be used I guess to re-spice up the more heavily fished SPs which have lost their scent.

09-10-2006, 06:21 PM
squidgy scent available from the tackle shops is basicly Aniseed oil. I like licorice and apparently so do fish ;)


09-10-2006, 07:03 PM
Just leave them in with a packet of Gulps for a week until your next fishing trip. I also like mixing colours by putting transparent colours with other transparent colours. (Transparent usually mix best)


09-10-2006, 10:16 PM
There are quite a few different bottled scents that you can buy.. not sure which works better as i havent tried em.

You could also put the old SPs in the scented packs of the other SPs..

Hope this helps

10-10-2006, 10:24 AM
hi all
yep there r heaps of scents out there even a can of olive oil flavored by garlic works a treat and heaps cheaper than the garlic scent and u can cook dinner with it to at the end of the session ;D
as for mixing plastics to get the scent be careful some plastics react with each other and u may be left with a gooey mess :-/ only use empty packs i reckon

Cheers Terry

10-10-2006, 02:40 PM
I have the pure aniseed oil and tip some in the bait bucket and wipe my hands in some to get rid of any nasty stinks. Seems to work but in all honesty I don't know for sure :-/
Saw the aniseed stuff at the bait shop and thought Mmmm I wonder if the pure stuff works??
Hey Orbyroo, the aniseed oil doesn't taste like licorice. I tried it one day when the fish weren't biting...yuk :P

10-10-2006, 07:33 PM
Ooh, nearly forgot (well i did forget hence another thingo). I have been told pure aniseed oil is illegal to have in the tackle box. Is this correct or false??
Looking for rulings in both QLD and NSW
I've looked throught the DPI site but couldn't find anything and I'd really like to know before the boys in blue give me a nasty surprise.
Thanks in advance
Scott :)

13-10-2006, 04:19 AM
Ooh, nearly forgot (well i did forget hence another thingo). I have been told pure aniseed oil is illegal to have in the tackle box. Is this correct or false??
Looking for rulings in both QLD and NSW
I've looked throught the DPI site but couldn't find anything and I'd really like to know before the boys in blue give me a nasty surprise.
Thanks in advance
Scott :)

I aways thought the same that it was illegal to use in NSW. There was a topic a while ago on the use of aniseed oil so I sent off a email to the NSW fisheries for advice giving a link to the topic. Not only did I recieve a reply it was written in a way that the person who replied toke the time to read the posts. In short it is ok to use aniseed oil to add to baits in NSW
I'll look for the old link

13-10-2006, 04:25 AM
ok found the old post I made here is a copy of My email and reply


Re: Pure aniseed oil..good for attracting fish YES
« Reply #15 - on: 27. Feb 2006 at 13:50 »
I also thought that aniseed oil was against the law so I sent an email ti the NSW DPI and asked them below is the reply in full

Dear Andrew
Thanks for your enquiry. It is not illegal to use aniseed oil in NSW waters in the way its use has been described on http://www.ausfish.com.au/cgi-ausfish/yabb2/YaBB.cgi?num=1139558395

David Masters
Fisheries Liaison Officer

>>> "Andrew and Marie"<arlee@edit au> 26/02/06 7:21:12 am >>>
Good morning Sir/Madam,
I have a question that you be able to help we with. On a fishing site that
I'm a member of a question was raised wether aniseed oil was legal or not
( http://www.ausfish.com.au/cgi-ausfish/yabb2/YaBB.cgi?num=1139558395 ).I
was wondering if you could shed some light on the matter for me please.
I'm in no way a repersenitive of this site other than being a member for the
exchanging of information. If you prefer not to post a reply your self could
you reply to me personally as I would like to find out for myself on this
thanking you in advance
Andrew Lee
c/o arlee@ edit

I hope I have not steped on anyones toes if so I'm sorry

13-10-2006, 09:13 AM
beauty, :)
Thanks for that Aussie. No confusion now. That's straight form the horses mouth, so to speak.
Seems like I don't have to hide it in an old scent bottle :)
Cheers and, again, Ta

13-10-2006, 09:57 AM
;D ;D ;D ;D Hey finga, Try the gulps.......they're a special experience :o :o ;D ;D

Nothin worse than a sandwich flavoured with that stinky stuff :P


13-10-2006, 11:04 AM
Just remember to put the lid back on properly, I spilled some in the back of the car over amonth ago and it still smells like an ouzo factory. The funny thing is the wife is dieting at the moment so no alcohol for her but she grabbed my car last friday to go get some milk and come home with a bottle of sambucca. When I asked her about it, she just said she wasn't sure why but for some reason she had a strong craving for a glass of sambucca and coke. :)

It's just lucky I didn't spill a bottle of rum essence instead!!!! ;D ;D

13-10-2006, 12:39 PM
If you are using Gulps make sure you seal them in a small clip lock bag if you want to use them again or they quickly become dried leather.

13-10-2006, 01:27 PM
If you are using Gulps make sure you seal them in a small clip lock bag if you want to use them again or they quickly become dried leather.

Do you put anything in the bag with them? olive oil or water or.......anything else?

I'm assuming you mean a seperat bag to the one they came out of :-?

cheers, roo

13-10-2006, 01:58 PM
Even a small dry bag is better than nothing. They dry out in the air fairly quickly. I have used the worms at the beach and let them hang in a bucket of water over night and they keep real well. The thing is Gulp is a food product :P and will dry out. Ideally a bag with some scented oil, garlic, annoceed etc. or berkly make a dipping sauce, any way to keep them moist :-*.

The makers say don't put them back in the original bag ::) well I don't know :-/ maybe they will contaminate the new ones to some extent or suck the moistnicity out of them. but if you let ;em hang on the hook for an hour or so you will see them start to dry and overnight you will have to cut them of.