View Full Version : Silstar VTG-30 baitcaster - any info?

15-10-2006, 09:04 AM
managed to snag one of these in my cast net at Burrum last week. Doesn't look too bad. I reckon it had only been in the water a few days. 3 ball bearing. I am trying to fix it up at present.

Does anyone know what they are wrth. I had a bit of a search on the net but couldn't find any info.

If anyone reckons it is theirs and wants to claim it, send me a PM of where you lost it, the rod it was on, line colour and b/s etc so I can verify the claim.


15-10-2006, 10:02 AM
I think it is mine, I lost it in the Burrum just upstream from the boat ramp near the black bank in the Buxton area. It was on a blackish, blueish grey with a green tinge baitcaster. It had some greenish, brownish braid on it(I am a bit colourblind). ;D ;D ;D ;D ::) ;D ;D ;D ;D


15-10-2006, 01:44 PM

Opened it up and cleaned it up now. Looking pretty good apart from one shot bearing which I will need to replace.
