View Full Version : Braid leader for Impoundment Barra
22-10-2006, 09:13 PM
I picked up a copy of the latest Queensland Fishing Annual today. It has a great article about impoundment barra which I found a great read as I'm off to Awoonga tomorrow for my first attempt at a big barra.
What I found interesting is that Rod Harrison has been trialing as is now an advocate of a heavy braid (125 lb) tied to the braid main line with a Slim Beauty knot. He says the higher visibility of the braid leader doesn't seem to make a difference.
Paul Dolan is also now an advocate of this set up and rates it as his preferred barra rig.
Interesting as it is a significant departure from established practice.
I won't have a chance to test it out on my trip as I have no heavy braid and I've made a good batch of tristed leaders. But it is interesting. A key benefit is the smaller knot and the reduced problem of the knot catching on guides.
Anyone tried this?
22-10-2006, 10:21 PM
The key benefit is literally no knot catching the guides from main line to leader.
23-10-2006, 03:02 PM
I would imagine that it would work fine, especially around the weed beds. You may still run into abrasion probs if wrapped up in the sticks though, occasionally.
23-10-2006, 03:52 PM
Why not run 30kg braid straight to the lure then, not like the average awoonga leader is long enough to get a couple of wrapps around the reel when the fish gets to the boat.
23-10-2006, 08:30 PM
I must admit that i to have been trying the 125lb braid leader. What got me interested in it was the fact that i was cut off quite a lot last October at Faust by the gill plates on the bigger barra.
I figured that braid was so bloody hard to cut even with a pair of sissors that it would make it a lot harder for the fish to cut me off.
Mind you i am only trialing it, i have overcome the problem of changing lures without having to cut and retie a new lure on, i just have to sort out the knot leader to the main braid line, as the knot i have been using is to bulky, i think i have it but not sure yet, will let you know when i have it.
Let me assure that the barra don't mind the heavy braid as a leader.
23-10-2006, 09:20 PM
Hi Norm,
I don't have alot of Barra experience compared to some,But.......
I tried it at Awoonga last year,And used a lenght of 80lb Spiderwire attached to my 30lb Bionic main line via an Opposed Uni knot.
The pros were lure depth (More,Compared to the 60lb single strand mono I was using),Improved lure action,A more direct contact,And reduced knot size (Slick casting).
The cons were no stretch whatsoever,And a visible leader in shallower water.
I believe if you had two leaders of the same diameter.Say 80lb braid and 30lb mono for example,And tested them for abrasion resitstance under equal conditions in a controled enviroment,I think they would be similar in durability.
I also reckon the pound rating (Straight line pull capabilitys of the line) is irrelivent in an abrasion test,And it should be tested on equal diameter lines for a true result.Not 30lb braid VS 30lb mono.
I was in a chain of boats of around 15-20 (In me kayak LOL) And got slammed and didn't see anyone else hook up at all.I reckon there are way to many variables involved in fishing to say the braid leader made the difference.But it confirmed my susspicions on them actually working,And not scaring the fish.Mind you the lure was at 7 meters.And I don't know if enough light penetrates to see anything at that depth in a dam.
During the fight a couple of times it felt like the fish had rolled on the leader,As it went from a steady full pressure,To half pressure for a millisecond and back to full.With a cheese grater type feel in the slacker part.I think this may have been the leader running from the mouth around and up the back of the gill plate.After about 10 minutes the fish was tired,And came to the top.It was seen for a brief second as it gave a big thrash,And I was left with a limp main line and 80% of my leader.Would I have landed this fish with a mono leader of the same diameter (30lb)?Dunno.....Dunno if I would have even got the strike,As the lure would have been higher in the collumn and working with a fraction less action......See the variables thing.LOL.This scenario made me realise the need for a leader that could stand up to the extreme abuse Barra can dish out.
I understand why Harro and co are using braid in such large sizes in for leaders.To get the same abrasion as say 60-80lb mono.But with the same diameter leader used,The advantages they gain are,Improved action,Direct contact and reduced knot size,They only lose the depth advantage,And are where they started with mono in this field.They still have to cope with the no stretch factor also,And the fact that a braid leader is visible in the shallows.
I spoke to the ranger,Mr Wode at lenght on this topic (Leaders) ,And he reinforced my theory on the fish rolling after I described what happened earlier.He then showed me the Twisted Leader.Awsome!Small knot,You get great stretch.And great abrasion as well.I applied what I was taught and had success.I now use them on everything,And make my Bass leaders from 8lb twisting them to 16.
For Barra start with 25lb twist it to 50 then quad it back up about a foot,Which will give ya 100lb abrasion at the bussiness end.For lighter ya could go say 20 twisted to 40 and quad to 80lb.
But still I'm very intrested to see Harros braided set ups.And I will be experimenting with Braid leaders in the future.
What's best?...... :-/......I'm intrested to hear from some seasoned Barra boys on this one,And I'm sure others are as well.
Regards hardb8 ;)
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