View Full Version : More animated fishing knots

19-10-2006, 06:42 PM
Some more animated fishing knots below.

Have done some changes thanks to the feedback I got on the last versions. Let me know if you think anything needs to be changed.

They will be slower in the final version. You will also be able to use teh slidebar in the final online version to step through the sequence as you wish.

Haywire Twist

Sliding Snell

Tony Jones Leader Knot

Twisted dropper loop

The current animated knots can be seen at - http://www.ausfish.com.au/knots/

20-10-2006, 05:35 AM
These are looking good Steve.

One small suggestion: It would be good with the haywire twist if you had access to further animation to show how to make the little handle to break the wire off after the barrel roll.


20-10-2006, 10:06 AM
These are a great tool for learning new knots.
:-/ :-/ I looked at the twisted leader one and I dont get it? not sure what it is going to acheive. :-[ :-[ apart form tying a garden hose to your leader, wouldn't the twists just unravel? :-/

I think I am in need of detailed intructions. Or perhaps i am missing something :'(

wouldn't be the first time ;D ;D

cheers, roo

21-10-2006, 05:30 PM
Roo you talking about the haywire twist? its for wire traces.

22-10-2006, 06:18 AM

I don't use the knot myself, but Wilson says this is the strongest method he knows of tying a single strand of gelspun to a monofilament leader.

The gelspun is wrapped at least 20 times around the leader and when the knot is tied in the twisted lines, 4 wraps are made. This apparently gives enough wraps to allow for sufficient grip to stop the knot from slipping.


24-10-2006, 10:33 AM
Thanks Tony_N,
I think I'm confusing a twisted leader........and a twisted leader knot :-[

One is a construction method.....and the other a connection method ;D ;D
silly me :-[
so ok now i just need to make a twisted leader so i can tie it to the mainline with a twisted leader knot......or not :-/ ;)

Cheers, roo

24-10-2006, 03:17 PM
The animation is good.

How about some tips on which application these knots are best suited for? Ive already got Wilsons books, but some tips on the website might help a few of us knot dummies.
