View Full Version : Soft plastics questions

22-10-2006, 03:40 PM
Anyone use tsunami placcies? I've inherited a few packets and they look ok and are pre-rigged although the weights seem a bit heavy. I've never seen anyone mention 'em on this site.

Also, money being a major factor, I find the jig heads a bit expensive and also many of the larger hook ones (which I would like to use when targetting lizards) also seem to have too heavy a weight to them. As a cheaper option and in order to allow me to use lighter weight with bigger hooks, I have invested in a few 50 packs (at a good price) of gamakatsu jig 90 hooks (boy, they're sharp! :o ) in varying sizes. I thought I could use these and just thread a light bullet or shot on the line just above the eye of the hook. Another thought on just tying a leader to these hooks.......the bend at the eye seems to facilitate for a better hook-up when used in a conventional way with bait. Any comments?



22-10-2006, 04:52 PM
what was the question again? :-?

22-10-2006, 05:30 PM
Anyone use tsunami placcies? I've inherited a few packets and they look ok and are pre-rigged although the weights seem a bit heavy. I've never seen anyone mention 'em on this site.

Also, money being a major factor, I find the jig heads a bit expensive and also many of the larger hook ones (which I would like to use when targetting lizards) also seem to have too heavy a weight to them. As a cheaper option and in order to allow me to use lighter weight with bigger hooks, I have invested in a few 50 packs (at a good price) of gamakatsu jig 90 hooks (boy, they're sharp! :o ) in varying sizes. I thought I could use these and just thread a light bullet or shot on the line just above the eye of the hook. Another thought on just tying a leader to these hooks.......the bend at the eye seems to facilitate for a better hook-up when used in a conventional way with bait. Any comments?



I suppose your response is a comment so that's one of my questions answered.


22-10-2006, 05:38 PM
Kev - I have one packet of them. Have used them occasionally, but never caught anything on them. They would be good for targetting flathead with though. Bounce them along them bottom so they kick up a bit of sand.

Other than that, you could also try hanging them out the back of your boat while drifting around the shallow reefs for Squire. Use the more active placcies (where you need to give the action- eg Stickbaits) on a rod you are holding, but have another rod in a holder with one of these "swimming" along with the boat.

22-10-2006, 05:58 PM
hi kev
you are on the right track with the jig hooks & bullet/barrel sinker, cut to size. no need to crimp it in the line, better if the lead is free to move. don't need to use jig hooks either, in my experience anyways :P, called a texan rig. try this lik, hope it works. bead is a good idea under weight


hope this helps

22-10-2006, 08:29 PM
hi ya king tin :)
try getting hold of some molds and pour your own jig heads , the do it company in the states make loads of sizes , cheaper from barlows though i think
i had the opposing prob here, needed heavier heads smaller hooks ,
justwondering how haevy they are , i often use 1 and 2 oz heads depending on where i am , noticed that the majority on this site like to use em light
good luck with the slider style ones , wouldnt have thought theyd keep the lure right way up if its odd shape though?

22-10-2006, 08:59 PM
Kingtin - I've seen a few blokes drill/file out a recess for the hook angle in to a ball sinker mould.

I too have the same problem and have been looking for some decent jig hooks. I've found Mustad hooks to have a bit too much flex in the gape of the hook (is gape the right term here?). If I can flex the hook to open wider so easily I am sure a decent fish will just snap it.

How do the gamakatsu hold up?

Or do you reckon Mustad just use too fine a gauge wire? Which surprises me.

23-10-2006, 10:42 AM
Kev, this is how i make my jig heads, you can't get a really small size using the sinker molds though :( Note the extra size to the poor hole, this lets the lead go either side of the hook eye, you still need to poor your lead very hot. and it dosn't distroy your sinker mould ;) I have sizes 0-4 but 0-3 are the best for jigs and depending on your hook size depends on how many of each you can make at once. also with the smaller hooks you can't mould a 4 ball onto a size 1 hook ::)


for the lighter weights I crimp splitshots with a little single strand of wire trace (same as in the pic above) as a bait keeper on the 90deg hooks and these work well but it can be a pain and takes a bit of time. if you wanta know more about how i do it i should be able to make up another gif (animated pic) for ya ;) there are a few people on here doing this so you should get some good responces.


23-10-2006, 10:45 AM
PS: Tsunami plastics work ;) you just can't change the weight of them :( I have caught flathead on the poggy like ones with a paddle tail and I have a colection of 5+ inch ones to give the barra a go next time i get up to faust ;) I mainly got them because they were cheap and didn't require jigs.

Cheers N
Tight Lines


23-10-2006, 11:51 AM
Hi Kingtin,

Sorry mate cant help you out on much advice regard the jig heads- although I know there is a fair bit on the internet regarding various molds. A search here will show up some avenues on that front.

Reference the Tsunami placies they have performed well for me on saltwater barra up north- pulling fish when the hard body lures were not getting much interest.



23-10-2006, 05:39 PM
Brandon, what brand hook are you using?

23-10-2006, 10:13 PM
Duyz, Mustard in the pics ;) i have used eagleclaw hooks in them as well but the Mustard hooks are soooo much stronger ;)
I am 99% sure the gamakatsu will fit in this jig also. Nearly bought a pack about 6 months ago but the price put me off :(



23-10-2006, 11:00 PM
Thanks for taking the time to respond fellers and those animated gifs are brilliant Brandon.

Duyz, yes, you're right about the fine wire but I think gamakatsu are probably better than most. You can feel the spring in 'em when you pull at the point but they take some opening. Actually, if a fish is cleanly hooked that shouldn't be a problem 'cause the pressure is at the bend of the hook and not at the point..........all to do with the fulcrum and leverage thingy that I learned in science a century ago ;D I'm of the opinion that straightened hooks are invariably a result of the pressure from the fish being put on the point and not the bend although I could be wrong. If the hook is perfectly sharp it should penetrate enough to have flesh sitting on the bend. I never get a straightened hook nowadays and I think that when I have in the past it's because I haven't paid enough attention to them being sharp.

Brandon.........the hooks cost me $17.50 for 50 at BCF sizes 2/0 and 3/0.........that's not a bad price for a quality hook. I use gamakatsu exclusively now..........mainly octupus. I've never had one straighten, although I'm not too confident about the gangsters and time will tell. The 10/0's have held shark to 3 metres and a manta that pulled the Whittley from 4 beacons to Tangalooma ::) :o :o ;D ;D In fact, even the 6/0 has held fish almost that big. They keep their edge well also.


24-10-2006, 09:35 AM
Thats quite cheap Kev!! I can remember them being over $20 a pack last time i looked.. I haven't had a problem with the mustards yet but then again i have been mainly targeting bream, flathead and squire so nothing real big.. TT have gone from gamakatsu to mustard for there BIG and Strong Jigs of 5/0 - 7/0. they are a different hook to what you get when buying a 90deg hook but dam they are strong :D


24-10-2006, 07:12 PM
Hey guys here is a site where you can get jig moulds, jig hooks and a few other things.
www.do-itmolds.com There is a dealer in Oz but there in NSW.

Hope this helps, Mick.

25-10-2006, 04:21 PM
Brandon - do you have a product number I can refer to when looking for them, are they a finer gauge or not?

I do use Mustad almost exclusively as they have never let me down yet.
Was just so amazed at the flex in the jig hooks I found of theirs is all.

25-10-2006, 05:58 PM
Duyz I have the 32746NPBLN in the 4/0's. They are the ones that most tackle world stores stock ;)

The 4/0's flex a little if you press on the tip of the hook but there is no way you would put a bend in them using just your hands :D I think they flex more than the normal hooks because of the 90deg section on them, you can get more leverage from that when testing em out :P

That site that was posted in this thread selling moulds also sell hooks and have a couple of different Mustard Jig hooks as well as most of the other brands too!!!!
