24-10-2006, 11:58 AM
A quick look at Shimano`s website surprised me with their max drag figures.
The Charter Special equals the Tyrnos 30 at 33lbs
It is 11lbs more than the TLD 25
It is 13lbs more than the Torium 30
It is 16.5 lbs more than the Trinidad 20
What the heck have they been feeding that Charter Special?
24-10-2006, 12:07 PM
can't comment on the figures, but I can't fault the stopping power of a charter special.
24-10-2006, 02:13 PM
I noticed that too when I had a look on the Shimano website, the other night. According to Shimano, the Charter Special has the same drag as the TLDs, only smaller. I can't see how it can have a smaller drag washer and a max drag 11lbs more than a TLD 25. I think it must be a typo error on the site. I'm sure they'll get a few emails about it!
I've got a Charter Special which I don't use anymore, and it does have a very smooth drag (like the TLDs), but I've never tested the max drag. I used to use 3-4kg on strike drag.
24-10-2006, 02:57 PM
Last week I dead lifted a plastic bucket with over 6 litres of water with a new charter Special at strike over a 8' 6-8kg stick. The reel did it with ease and still had PLENTY of adjustment left before the freespool went away, that's near on 15lb at strike :o. I didn't test it any more because firstly, I was convinced and second, the rod I was using was running out of bend ;) . But I have no doubt that if pushed, the reel will go to the 33lb at full that Shimano claim.
Some how i can picture a charter special dieing a quick death with 33lb of drag getting ripped off at a rate of knotts...
25-10-2006, 01:27 PM
Some how i can picture a charter special dieing a quick death with 33lb of drag getting ripped off at a rate of knotts...
I figure if you're silly enough to put 60lb+ line on a charter special and crank it up to max then you deserve the privilege of watching it smoke up, burst into flames and explode before your very eyes as the 10' bronzey heads south at warp speed, ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Personally I wouldn't go any more than 30lb or in this case 20lb fireline that I had laying around. I still want to be able to lock the spool and break off if I have to.
25-10-2006, 02:53 PM
I also have a charter special i run it with 6kg drag running 40lb platypus platnium runs that easy. Still has heaps of drag to go but don't know how the reel would handle with 33lb of drag pressure on it. Having said that they are a great reel cant fault the drag system on it.
25-10-2006, 03:06 PM
BB - as you well know - it doesn't really matter what bs Line you put on the reel. What matters is how much drag you crank it to. (You can always break snagged line by taking some of the weight off the drag with your thumb)
You say 20lb line which equates to 7lb drag. This is a good and very safe figure to work from. In fact, I haven't done any damage to mine with 30lb line with 4+ kg of drag. Despite what Shimano's website says and despite how many kilos/litres of water you can lift, I reckon a bit over 4 kg is enough for that little drag. I'm with Brent, I'm sure they have made a mistake with their figures. As I've said before, the CS is my absolutely favourite reel and I know it intimately (well, not in the biblical sense) and whilst you can certainly crank it up higher than the 4+, it aint gonna do it any good.
Treat it fairly and you'll enjoy it for a long time.
PS I'm so impressed that you can cast it over 50 metres, but I know from previous posts that you are an accomplished caster with overheads.
PPS - Foxy is on the money when he says the reel would be in jeopardy if the line was being ripped off it at a fast rate. Its all very well to be fishing with a substantial drag pressure if you're not putting it to the test of a fast run by a BIG fish. 6 or 8 or 9 are ok if there isn't a 30 plus kg tuna or sambo on the other end of the reel
25-10-2006, 06:22 PM
I had to go and play with the drags on my reels to check this
the charter is rated to 33lb I got it to 8kg and got scared so I stopped.
I did how ever get my trinidad 40n to 14kg when the leader knot came undone so maybe their figures are right.
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