View Full Version : Little Lucifier lures??

02-11-2006, 12:07 PM
I bought this lure for targeting jacks this summer, i tried it out yesterday its a deep diver i take it from the lenght of the bib on it plus it swam pretty deep but as it was comming closer to me i noticed it was swimming like a one winged duck underwater, round and around in big circles,looked like SH#T., my retrieve was fairly slow, i was told that it could be trolled to but juding on how slow i was retrieving i dont think it could be trolled, any ideas on what was going wrong or what i may have been doing wrong, everything looked fine they way i tied it. Would be a great lure by the looks of it if i could get it to work properly. Any infomation would be great.
This is the culpret.

02-11-2006, 04:15 PM
If the tow point is ridgid, it may need adjustment. Did you have a split ring on the towpoint? Did you tie it on with a loop knot, tight or with a snap. I had a small lure that was doing this too! I had to give the tow point a little bit of a tweak and put a small split ring on AND use a loop knot to get it half right.... the bloody thing still leans to the right a bit but the wounded duck spins are gone ;)

cheers, roo