View Full Version : scotty vs berkley rod holder

03-11-2006, 07:36 PM
hey guys,

im looking for a rod holder (ie scotty power lock style),
I want to know what you guys thoughts are on the scotty brand vs berkley, as one is around the $50-60 mark and one is around $25-30.

If you prefer the scotty range please specify which one the powerlock (heavy duty one)
or the baitcaster/spinning one

see the following link for further details,

any info is appreciated

thanks again,

03-11-2006, 09:25 PM
In general you get what you pay for and this is one of those examples, the scottys holders seem to be alot tougher and i know at least 2 anglers that have now got scottys holders because there berkley ones broke in one case the guy lost his rod and reel,value $1000+


04-11-2006, 12:05 AM
I used to buy the berkleys but each one has broken diagonally where the bolt goes through and the teeth that hold it at an angle in the verticle axis all flattened out. On one occasion it was only the circular collar that stopped me losing the whole rig. On the other, I was lucky I had a float on the line cos it bobbed up abot 100m away for me to motor over and pull the rig back into the boat.

If you can afford a little bit more go for the emro cannon rod holders. There adjustable but solid as...

04-11-2006, 08:14 AM
what type of fishing - cause I wouldn't use either for mackeral for example.

04-11-2006, 11:12 AM
Go the Scottys.

The Powerlocks handle 15kg gear no probs.
I prefer the Strikers for my overheads, as they are easier to get the rod out of.

Tough as nails.