View Full Version : High Speed Reels

09-11-2006, 05:14 AM
Well its getting to that time of year again (palagics) and there has been a bit of talk about which reel is best suited for high speed work.

Most agree that a fast retrieve rate is paramount (plastic fishers, bite your tongue ;))and to achieve this a lot of ppl utilise the good ol' tss4.

Fast, yes
Tough, yes
Smooth, ....mmm, could be better(alot really)

So i would like to do a little comparison on retrieve rates. not ratios as such, but the amount of line actually recovered per turn of the handle. Eggs, overs and dinner plates all accepted. Even sea martins if you have one.

i propose to test by pulling out say 15metres of line and make 10 full turns of the handle (will be more accurate than 1 turn) and see how much line has been recovered.

Post up for all to see and get a truer indication of actual retrieve speeds.

only things to watch ;
a) have a full spool if possible.
b) keep the line reasonably slack so as not to stretch (mono users only)

good luck, i am eagerly anticipating the results.


09-11-2006, 08:37 AM
Recently bought a' Daiwa Emblem Pro 5500' Took it to Fraser Is for tossing Raiders etc for Tailor, had a great time with it.
5.1:1 gear ratio & 122cm retrieve, well thats whats on the box, but it is very fast. Took a little getting used to it being a skirtless spool with the spring loaded wire 'Gates' to stop the line from getting under the spool but after a few casts got used to it. If it can go as well as the old Mitchell 499 that I just threw out I'll be happy. I had the Mitchell for nearly 40 years it just wore out like me.

09-11-2006, 08:56 AM
Forgot to say I let out 25 mtrs of line approx & 21 and a bit turns of the handle to retreive line. So you can work that out.

09-11-2006, 03:19 PM
Reel Retrive CM / Crank
Shimano TSS4 126.2
Shimano Stella 10000 119.9
Shimano Stradic 8000 106.2
Shimano Sustain 8000 106.2
Shimano Twinpower 8000 HG 106.2
Shimano Stradic 4000 88.9
Diawa Emblem Pro 5500 121.9

Some of the info on retrieve rates I've collected over the last 12 months.

09-11-2006, 04:08 PM
Hey bj, should have sold that 'ol 499 on ebay!
Cheers, and can relate to 'worn out'!
The body is oldish but the spirit remains willin'!

09-11-2006, 05:44 PM
G'Day Heath...

Have you used the okuma range? (EPIX EFS)... Any observations?


09-11-2006, 06:29 PM
I've got the Saltiga 6500 Expedition and it pulls in 1 metre of line per turn. But if you want the fastest retrive rate the Saltiga Dogfight pulls in a massive 1.4 metres per turn of the handle.


09-11-2006, 06:49 PM
Hey damo

Just go the tss4 mate ;) tough, tried and proven also cheep to replace once stuffed. Your right there not the smoothest but they definately get the job done, i've mucked around with other reels over the last few years but i've settled back to the tss4 and am very happy


09-11-2006, 07:45 PM
try and pump and wind a reel with 1.4 plus meters per turn of the handle when hooked in to 50 kg plus fish ,the two dont go together

09-11-2006, 08:27 PM
G'Day Heath...

Have you used the okuma range? (EPIX EFS)... Any observations?


I'll let you know in about 8 weeks Daz. My oldman just picked one up this afternoon. EFS 8000. Big robust looking thing. about 8 weeks worth of mackerel fishing should give an indication as too how it will hold up.

Much more solid that the TICA heap of crap he got last year. The drag is very smooth as well. The Tica started to fall to bits after 4 weeks worth of hard work.

The higher retrieve reels make it easier for the oldman to spin. He don't have to wind as fast.

09-11-2006, 09:26 PM
I just tested out the TSS4 at BCF today... I can't believe how ancient they still look... I just cannot stand the wobble in them...

I'll buy a couple more... for others to use...

But I will still stick with my EPIX Efs60...


10-11-2006, 09:02 AM
are those epix efs the ones bcf have on special at the moment?
Any idea if they come with an extra spool?

Finding Time ; i had a tss4 a few years ago that got used pretty regularly off the rocks down south. Yes they do the job, But i would hardly say it was a pleasure to use, unlike my smaller Daiwa's.

Do Daiwa do any high speeders? I have always been impressed with their eggs.


10-11-2006, 10:54 PM
Daiwa make a few high speed spinning reels: the Emblem Pro 5500 (5.1:1 - 122cm per turn of the handle), the Saltiga Z6000GT (6.2:1), and the Saltiga Dogfight Z6500DF (6.2:1 - 140cm per turn of the handle). If I wanted a high speed spinning reel and didn't want to spend $900-$1200, I'd buy the Emblem Pro or one of the 8000 size 5.7:1 Shimano reels with the slower 106.2cm per turn of the handle.
Early this year I was on a charter boat and we were casting raiders to a bait-ball north of the Southport Seaway. The spotties seemed to prefer medium-paced retrieves over fast ones, presumably because the lure was in the strike zone longer. I was casting off the bow and could see the 80-90cm spotties come in like torpedoes after the raiders. The skipper also hooked up a 10kg spaniard on a medium-paced retrieve, which he gave to a customer to boat. Some days you obviously don't need a fast retrieve for mackerel, so I think I'll just wind faster when I need to. The skipper said he doesn't usually wind flat out.
As far as graphite reels go, I personally don't like feeling the reel stem flex when a fish is pulling drag. I bought an Okuma Epix EB40 a while back. I caught a 90cm flathead on it in the Seaway a few years ago and could feel the reel stem flexing under about 1kg of drag. This flexing wouldn't affect the boating of fish though.
There was a post a few weeks back showing an Okuma Epix with its reel foot broken at both ends.


11-11-2006, 05:19 AM
I have a daiwa emblem pro and I can't rave enough about it. It was recomended to me by a distance casting guru who said it was the closest thing to a competition reel you will find. So its awesome in the boat chasing mackrel, then put the other spool with 15 pound braid, attach it to a graphite surf rod and bang you are casting 150 meters. Apparently the spring loaded wire gates lay the braid like a comp reel which is one of the most important things for casting distance from a fixed spool reel.

however it is a bigger reel, so I recently bought myself a stradic 4000 for lighter duties. 5.9 retrieve plus all metal body, smooth as silk (no wobble) $219 from bcf, in my books a bargain.


11-11-2006, 09:15 AM
crafty they are the goods as far as buying speed and distance in a spinning reel , if you are looking for speed and distance in over heads you cant go past Avet with the Salitis 50 H not to far behind only the drag still needs some work ,

11-11-2006, 09:17 AM
crafty they are the goods as far as buying speed and distance in a spinning reel , if you are looking for speed and distance in over heads you cant go past Avet with the Salitis 50 H not to far behind only the drag still needs some work ,Leigh
http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/4683/dcp02633gd6.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

11-11-2006, 12:02 PM
Yeah Leigh, one day soon I will be getting one of those avets. I have a 40H for boat work and light casting duties, but am definitely eyeing off an avet. How do the 2 speed avets go for casting? and do you mount them high up on the rod or low down?


11-11-2006, 01:54 PM
up high and the two speed is well worth having when you need real pulling power with strength

13-11-2006, 07:17 AM

I spent a bit of time on the net and put the following together.

TSS4 48/-/-/-/-
Stella 10000 47/65/15/31/1029
Torium 46/20/-/23/289
Tyronus 45/33/4/36/269
TSM4 44/11/-/20/199
Sustain 6000/8000 42/24/6/-/429
Stradic 6000/8000 42/24/4/-/299
Stella 6000 42/44/15/-/-
Stella 80000 40/44/15/-/965
Spheros 12000 39/20/4/-/219
Spheros 8000 35/20/3/-/-
TLD 25 32/17/-/-/-
TLD 15 30/15/-/-/-

Saltiga Z8000GT 50.4/-/14/28/1139
Emblem 48/-/6/24/269
Saltist 50TH 47/-/4/25/289
Sealine SH50?? 44/-/4/20/189
Saltiga 50 36/-/6/25/729

I only want to try jigging without spending too much, and I will probalby only get out a few times a year anyway.

I tend to favour overheads (although threadlines are more versitile), and from what I have read speed is important. On these criteria, incredibly, the Diawa Sealine may be the best - 44in retrieve, overhead and $189. Lever drag too! Will it last though. Next would be the Saltist or Torium.

For threadlines, the daiwa Emblem seems the best mix of speed, cost and BBs.

So is the Sealine or Emblem strong enough even for an ocassional jigger. Probably will start with 50lb braid.
