View Full Version : Identification Surf Rod??

19-11-2006, 01:40 PM
I purchased this rod from a tackle shop on Milton Rd in Bisbane in the 90's. I now wish to sell it as i have never used it, but i cant remember what brand it was or who made it. The only identification is a small fish symbol on it. Does anyone have any idea of it's maker & what it would be worth to sell, it is 13.5 foot long, fitted with a used Alvey 6" Surf Champion reel.

Pics attached,

19-11-2006, 01:42 PM
pop the butt cap off & look. a lot of the time the blank number is under, if so will give some info..

19-11-2006, 03:28 PM
Hi HH.
A guess only.
Looks like an 8 wrap blank, custom built.
Can't see the runners, but looks like a Fuji reel seat.
If you can get $100 you will have done very well, reel is a little small for the rod IMHO, the 650 would have been a better match, I believe.
Hopefully someone will give you some more specific info, but at least you have a start, worth $70 - 100 IMO, but you have to find someone who is willing to pay that!
Cheers and good luck!