View Full Version : Barra reels
I started a post earlier to find out whether the okuma low profile reels would be fit to tackle the mighty impoundment barra. Thanks to the replies I am convinced that they are not up to this task, just wondering on some other low profile reels that may be suitable, probably want to spend about $250
cheers mat ;D
11-11-2006, 09:12 AM
I recently got a new model Shimano Curado CU200 DPV.
It's my first 'serious' baitcaster (also have a BC200).
To me, the Curado is a sensational reel. You should get it for around your budget, perhaps a bit more. I've seen it on the net for $279.
I got mine with a Shimano Raider Barra Magnum rod for $369.
11-11-2006, 09:16 AM
Might be able to find a Daiwa CVX253 for that sort of money. I've got the CVZ253 and its an awesome reel. The CVX is not much different. Not sure if they even make them anymore, might have been replaced by the Luna.
11-11-2006, 05:31 PM
G'Day Mat, I personally use the Penn Jack Erskine Signature Baitcaster for my Barra fishing, very nice reel and a very smooth drag system,comes standard with Carbontec washers,excellent value for the money, Cheers Whitto :D :D
hey mate i got a chronarch 101b and i recon its thec best bait caster iv ever owend
11-11-2006, 09:02 PM
For that sort of money, a lot of ppl go for the shimano calcutta 200b and whack a set of carbontex drag washers in. unless uve got the dough for a chronarch or higher, id stick with the 'drum' style calcutta, bit cheaper. The low profile baitcasters under $250 wont handle 50lb braid well,althogh u might get away with 30lb. Thats just my thoughts, but ya doin the right thing, ask around, even ring some charter guys up that way nd get some opinions or have a look at the magazines.
11-11-2006, 09:18 PM
Daiwa HRF or a threadline?
11-11-2006, 09:48 PM
I've got the Daiwa millionaire custom snakehead 300. A bit dearer than your stated price range but worth every cent.
11-11-2006, 10:42 PM
Daiwa HRF! I own one and it is a sweet little peice of kit. Drag might be a little weak but carbontex washers shoudl fix that. Apart from that the reel is faultless! The mag control has heaps of adjustment and easily tuned.
Hope that helped
12-11-2006, 05:27 AM
Agree with Norm - the shimano curado 200 cu200 dpv is the go. Paid $249. No bargaining involved. Stated price on the shelf. Cheaper than Mos and I got mine that day freight free.
I go with Norm, 9 out of 10 of the barra guides in the NT use curados either the 200b or the 200bsf, but then most only fish 30lb braid off of them.
Cheers Ian
Thanks for all the replies, I,ve decided to get a curado 300DSV intsead, Costing $350 and have been told it can handle 50lb braid for barra in the sticks, if this is incorrect or there are better prices else where please let me know Cheers mat
;D ;D
13-11-2006, 11:57 AM
13-11-2006, 12:05 PM
If you dont want to go the overhead way you should be able to pick up a Penn 850SS threadline that will not only handle all your Barra needs but will also handle all your saltwater applications Mackeral , Reefies etc. They have the sweetest drag and last real well with basic maintenance( inox etc ). Shop around and you will get one for your price.
13-11-2006, 12:47 PM
just had a look at thay have a Penn850sss road and reel combo for $219.
Have dealt with them before and they are great - have no affiliation with them etc etc.
May have changed my mind again and possilbly go for calcutta 200b if it would be able to handle 50lb in the sticks? or would i be better off with the curado 300DSV
cheers mat
13-11-2006, 07:53 PM
I've been going through the same thing you are and have decided to go for the Curado 300. Great line capacity and a good drag system. Can't wait to get up to Awonga in a few weeks to have a crack at the Barra.
14-11-2006, 07:23 PM
send me an email and i`ll let ya know where you can get the curado 300 for $299
15-11-2006, 09:17 AM
Shimano Scorpion 1000 from Japan tackle. In your price range (currentl US$169)
Very good service I got mine in 4 days from Japan! This is better than a Curado cos it has an external adjustment dial for the casting weights, no need to pop the lid. This model is not sold in US or Australia It casts very smoothly a backlash is a rarity. Has performed well for me on barra up to 90 cm.
Thanks Rob, had a look, are they actually a chronarch? and will they handle 50lb braid for big barra in the sticks?
cheers mat
15-11-2006, 02:11 PM
Scorpion MG 1000 / ChronarchMG50
thats the chronarch alright. it says so below in the link.
i would go the curado 300DSV over it, purely because of the bigger spool
16-11-2006, 03:41 AM
how well do these reels mentioned handle the saltwater?? do they corrode and rust to pieces (like the "freshwater" reels?)
16-11-2006, 08:53 AM
Scorpion v Chronarch ? its a bit confusing the Scorpion MG magnesium model is sold as a Chronarch MG50 in US and Australia. I'm told the Scorpion is more like a Curado.
Anyway, I bought the Scorpion cos its an aluminium body and therfore tougher. The Magnesium reel is great to use and incredibly light but not really a barra reel, it needs looking after, which is not my thing!
and yep I run 50 lb Fins braid on mine
16-11-2006, 02:57 PM
Hi Matt and all
Curado 201B (lefty)
Caught and lost heaps of barra. Takes 50lb but i like 20lb braid and 80lb Jinkai/Black Magic
Good luck and heaps of fun mate
20-11-2006, 10:58 AM
I'm thinking about getting a new Curado 200 but I'm not sure whether to get the high speed version or not.
Has anybody had any experience with either of these reels? I'll be fishing 50lb braid and putting it on a Millerods Twitchin Stick.
You may of already bought the reel, but for $350 I got a Shimano Chronach 100bsv and it is outstanding. Just got back from Monduran Dam and it handled a 92cm 40lb fish in the sticks easy. Great to cast also.
22-11-2006, 01:35 AM
I've extensively used Calcutta's, Daiwa CVX 153, and Curado's over the years.
The new Curado 300 would have to be the best value-for-money reel which suits either casting all day or trolling for barra. Calcutta's are same except not as comfortable for casting all day.
Unless you get aftermarket drag mods, then I would leave the daiwa alone.
NONE of these reels will pull enough drag to effectively fish 50lb braid, but for almost all of your barra fishing this is ridiculous overkill and 20-30lb braid is plenty. If you want brutal fishing and use 50lb to stop em dead in the sticks then you need a specialised reel like the daiwa black sheep, as well as a specialised rod that can fish this serious amount of drag whilst at the same time is light and soft-tipped enough to cast barra lures.
Some people use 50lb (on rod/reel combo's that can only fish 20lb line effectively) simply for the increased abrasion resistance, but if they got you in the shit all the abrasion resistance in the world won't help you.
Buy the Curado. :)
22-11-2006, 02:18 AM
A Shimano Calais 200ASV should handle barra ok?
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