View Full Version : Need Adice of type of lures to troll for mackeral,

09-01-2007, 11:19 AM
Just needing some advice on lures for trolling macks and palmy reef and GC region, What are hardbodies etc.
type and size of lures.

09-01-2007, 12:58 PM
G'day timddo, i'm just getting into trolling lures so i mightn't be much help,
hardbodied lures are just that, they are made from timber, hard plastic, not soft and pliable. I went to my local and asked what to purchase, answered their questions, where?, what? and they hooked me up with 2 lures that swim at around 3-4mtrs of water. I've managed 2 school mackeral, 3 Tailor and countless grinners. I don't know about best lures for mackeral as i reckon almost anything could strike 'em, but i have heard to make sure the trebles and split rings are extra strong. I've since purchased 2 more that swim around 6mtrs. deep, 'bandit' brand, around 6-7in. long, as yet untried but can't wait. I'm sure there are heaps of blokes here can help ya out, but i wouldn't be walking into places like kmart or any mart or store and asking advice, only ask at places where fishing gear is the only thing they stock/sell, better chance at getting helpful advice.

09-01-2007, 05:59 PM
i recently caught a wahoo using a halco trembler and i regularly catch mackeral on repala cd14 in blue and chrome and green and chrome heres a pic of the hooooo got him in 35mt of burleigh [smiley=cool3.gif] [smiley=cool3.gif] [smiley=cool3.gif] [smiley=cool3.gif]

09-01-2007, 10:34 PM
CD14s, knuckleheads & top of the list bibless minnows, lead's lures if you can still get them or similar.

Pays to vary the speed when trolling IMO.


10-01-2007, 08:31 AM
I have 2 halco's, 165mm long ( or are they 125mm?) , swim down to 2mts, one purpley black stripes like a purple tiger sort of, and one pilchard colour

works well on the macs.


10-01-2007, 11:57 AM
Few more things I can add.

I've caught more Wahoo towing surface lures... the skirted type, and more spanish mackerel on tight/fast action minnow type lures.

I found the best colour for the hard body lures (with bibs), were the Qantas colours, red & white. Bibless didn't seem to matter, so maybe it was the action.... who can say!!!

For skirted lures, pink over dark blue seemed to get more attention.

Don't know if that's just a coincidence, or what. Must add that this was when I fished the nine mile (just down the coast from you)>

Anyway, I tow baits now and catch heaps more mackerel than I did whilst towing lures.

Also save a lot on fuel, as some of the skirted lures needed more boat speed to get the action right.

On the other hand I've never caught a Wahoo on a trolled bait.

Hope that helps.


10-01-2007, 05:06 PM
try the trusty old rapala cd 11, 14 and 18 depending on your line class and troll depth you want to achieve. Blue mack, green mack and red head. try the new rapala x raps in the mag 15. similar price range but colour range is fantastic. try river to sea min dive 140's also halco lazers. good luck


14-01-2007, 01:37 PM
I use to use hard bodies a lot for mac's. Use lately the silver spoons for a lot more success. Cheaper and a lot more effective. Use a decent swivel though, as line twist is bad. Barra and kimberly spoons are my choice. troll them at 12km an hour and just out of your bubble trail for your outboard and hang on guess. Use barrel sinkers too. Hope that helps

14-01-2007, 05:32 PM
Hey M8 my dad and I have had many mackerals on the Bumber Bar lure, they come in many different sizes and colours. You can pick one of these up for less than 10 dollars. They work well, Cheers Stotty ;D