View Full Version : Trout reacting in the Grampians

21-11-2001, 03:05 PM
Trout both browns and rainbows are reacting to fly lure and bait in the grampians ;) At Lake Fyans trout mainly rainbows are taking couta and spider mudeyes, Mrs Simpson fly retrieved real slow, and winged style lures, Sting lures are out preforming other winged styles. Most of the rainbows are just under the kilo, with quite a few at 1.3 to 1.5 kilo.
Fyans is at half its capacity at the moment, and has consistantly produced the results :).
Most productive areas at Fyans have been from the inlet to the tower working your bait or lure through this area is very productive.
Lake wartook is full for the first time in 5 years, and I dont have to tell you anglers out there how productive fishing a riseing lake is and the new ground. Wartook is producing good catches of browns and a few redfin are amoungst the trout as well most trout averaging around the 1.5 to 2 kilo.
Best baits are couta and spider mudeye for trout worms and yabbies for the redfin,a trick with Wartook now that the yabbies are up, is to fish a peeled yabbie tail on a running sinker, or under a float, The trout love it. Hot spot is the new ground around the outlet channel, and along the wall.
Good reports of Natives have started to filter through with good catches at Taylors lake last weekend. Small yabbies no bigger than a match box are the best for the yellowbelly here.
Hope that starts to wet your apetite for the angling in the Grampians.