View Full Version : Anyone seen the Mackeral??

01-01-2002, 04:51 AM
I've been looking for the mackeral in Moreton Bay for the last month or so and they seem very timid. As usual, as soon as you get near them they scatter. Has anyone got on to any decent catches yet? I'd love to know if they are working any parts of the bay. :) They seem very late this year!!


01-01-2002, 12:33 PM

Can't help you with Moreton Bay, but can tell you that up here at Hervey Bay the bloody things are still hanging around Bundy and Rooneys, and won't come down into the Bay proper.
The pros are hoeing into them - you can get them headed and gutted for $1.80/kilo at the moment at the co-ops.
The locals tell me that so long as the Northerlies keep blowing (and they don't seem to intend ever stopping) the mackerel will stay up at the top end of the Bay. Apparently they like to keep their head into the wind (so I'm told) so a northerly keeps them right up the north end of the bay.
Roll on the Sou'easters!!! ;D
Jim Linden

01-01-2002, 02:32 PM

I've been up to Hervey Bay a few time over Dec and Nov. Lots of baitfish but not much tuna or mackeral(well not south of Moon point anyway).

The golderns trevally are around though, its bummer they don't take my fly.

I'll have to head up north to find the longtail tuna. I'm not going mess with those pros about the mackeral(its not worth the hassle). Rooneys it a long way north???

Boy Hervey Bay is a lot of Fun(NOT) in a northerly. What I'd give for a south-easter.


01-01-2002, 05:47 PM
Yeah, Wes,

Only been up here since May - the locals tell me that the best place for Longtail is out off Wathumba, or further south off the Arch cliffs. Either way, it's a long haul - and if the Northerly is blowing, forget it.
On the couple of trips we did across to Moon Point, and just south of there, we came across huge schools of Mack Tuna feeding on the surface - threw everything at them we had on board, but they weren't interested. First damn tuna I've ever come across that could pass up a good fast chrome slice past their nose.
Boy, would I love to go and tussle with the GT's - I've had the Haines gassed up and ready to go for the last 3 weeks - that's how long the bloody Northerlies have been blowing. Just non-stop, day and night - you wouldn't believe it - even the locals are telling me this is over the top.
At least I live here - pity those poor buggers down in the caravan parks who've only got a couple of weeks of the year.
Drop me a line when you're next coming up and we'll catch up for an ale. Got Harro and Steve Cooper coming up here mid-January, so maybe I'll get a crack at the GT's then - with some expert guidance chucked in for good measure ;D

Jim Linden

02-01-2002, 04:38 AM
mate was up at bundy over x-mas and the Longtalis and Mackrell are still sitting there. got out early one morning but it blew up waaaay to much for the ol' barra punt!
am off to faust with harro chaseing barra soon so that should apise things for the sole ;D

02-01-2002, 01:52 PM

I've got a leave pass this weekend and I've lined up my brother for a fishing partner. If it is half decent weather, we'll be there flogging the the water to a foam. We have fished the northerly, bit tough and very sloopy, but you've got the whole bay to yourself.

I've got a Hervey Bay Goldern Trevally(see photo left), but I want another one to prove its not a fluke(I'm greedy). I want to wade the next one.

The Longtail Tuna on fly has become a bit of an obsession for me. Those Mac can be a pain in the butt, but they are quite large for Macs.

Email me and we'll try to get together for a drink.

Screaming flyreels.


03-01-2002, 08:34 AM
Thanks Jim. Shame I'm not heading up to your neck of the woods.

It would definitely be a lot cheaper buying the mackeral at a $1.80kg, but no where near as much fun ;).

Here's praying for a South-Easter.
