View Full Version : update Mooloolaba river

27-03-2002, 03:50 PM
Finished work early today, and as Luck would have it, I had the boat connected to the car. So off to the Yacht club area again. This time with a first time fisherman. Jiggin for baitfish proved hopeless at 1pm. so a place was found, berley sent out, and on with a couple of peeled prawns and a white bait. While re baiting the white bait, I noticed the spare rod quivering. I told Paul not to worry about that as it's only a rat bream having a nibble. Next thing the Alvey's Rachet sounded like it was having a heart attack. A couple of minutes later , a nice Spotted Grunter around the 35cm mark was placed in the esky. Not long after this, Pauls baitrunner started doin' funny things. Off it goes. I told him to get out of the boat and onto the pontoon we were near. This fish was all over the shop. He was having trouble, so I took over and kept the fish out from under boats and from around pylons. Eventually, Paul slid the net under a nice Golden Trevally of just over 2kg. Not bad efforts for Bream gear. Nothing happened for a little while, so pack up the bongo's and home to Brisvegas for a rather filling feed of fresh fillets.

;D ;D ;D

27-03-2002, 04:31 PM
http://www.ausfish.com.au/chat/images/smilies/cwm43.gif http://www.ausfish.com.au/chat/images/smilies/cwm43.gifIt must bea great life being a foreman giving orders
setting tasks and then disappearing off to the waters edge
to study tomorrows tasks and u just happen to have a rod and reel in the work truck http://www.ausfish.com.au/chat/images/smilies/cwm32.gif http://www.ausfish.com.au/chat/images/smilies/cwm32.gif http://www.ausfish.com.au/chat/images/smilies/cwm32.gif

28-03-2002, 02:05 PM
Remember the 7 P's

Prior Planning and Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance.

or be a little Scout " Be Prepared " ;D