View Full Version : BRIBIE INTERCLUB

09-02-2004, 05:52 PM
howdy all

fished the bribie sportsfishing club interclub comp today which is my first ever sportfishing comp and i had a ball doing something different.
thanks to jeremy for putting up a post about it or i would'nt of done it.
i fished with dazza and to say we had a bad start is an understatement.friday arvo im all keen go out to pick up my boat(which is holidaying in a mates shed for a while) only to find that last trip,which was pretty lumpy,i had snapped my roof frame in a couple of places without realising :o ::) ???
so i had a good sook and decided to call the weekend off.
but dazza got me geed up again whith words of encouragement like'' col at fisher boats said he will fix your piece of crap roof first thing in the morning''so we were back in the game.
should point out that my boat isnt a fisher but col seems to enjoy fixing things as much as i enjoy breaking them ::)
so boat fixed,we decided not to fish saturday to give the others a head start and also because we are lazy and watching someone fix the boat wore us out.
so now the fishing bit ::)
left bribie at 0330 and headed out the trench to get some really big lives to win the comp''AS IF''.we found livies ok but the school mackerel wouldnt let us get em in the boat,so after about 5 bait jigs and a lot of cussin i decided to troll a lure around on 2kg.i did get nailed a few times but it hard to pin em when your line is weaker than dental floss and your rod is like a piss weak chop stick.
but hey its a comp so no guts no glory 8).so decided to head up off caloundra with the hope of getting bait there''WRONG''
now buy this time its about 0800 and weve got nothing,except one school mac taken on the bait jig and i dont think ANSA have a class for that.and the wind is picking up ::).in desperation i pull out a couple of lures a mate gave me(DONT ASK :-X)we rig em up and chuck em out saying we'll give it 10 minutes and were gone.
we;ll first run i get a spaniard'only a baby' but it was size and things were lookin up.then dazza got a wopper school mac.
this is what makes these comps fun.you can only weigh in one fish of a certain species and up to five species,so now dazza and me are deciding what to do with the next strike cause he wants a spanno and i want a schoolie.we decide if its slow its mine if its fast its his.
its slow,but to my surprise up comes a nice grassy sweetlip.the first of four we pulled off the one patch trollin for macs ;D
then the wind blew so we bolted back to bribie just making it to the pub for the weigh in.
any way dazza scored the highest pointscoring fish on 6kg{sweetlip}
and i scored highest pointscoring fish on 8kg(spaniard)
we got a roll of platapus platnum and certificates.and also scored top lucky door prises like shirts a $20 gift voucher at sundown marine and of course stubby coolers 8)

so what started out as a crap day at the end of a crap weekend turned out tops because of a couple of hours good fishing.
cheers scott

jason the fish hater(right)and ashlee the fish eating machine with probably the only reef fish she will get this year so i hope she dosent eat it all at once.or at least let me cook itTHIS TIME. :o

10-02-2004, 03:03 AM
Bugger me. I was there too during the weigh in and prizes ceremony and didn't know who you were to say hello!

There were 8 guys from the Brisbane Sportfishing Club who fished the comp. Mick Dohnt as usual won both the inshore and offshore tagging sections and our three highest scoring anglers won the Champion Club for Brisbane too!

There were some nice fish weighed in including a 9 kg knobbie, 6 kg yellowfin tuna, 10 kg GT, cobia, several mack tuna, squire, shark mackerel, spanish mackerel etc.

I went out from Mooloolaba at 3.30 am Sat pushing all the way to Caloundra into 15 knots of SE slop. Trolled baits and lures for mackerel for about 3 hours with no hits. Went looking for tuna and found a couple of small schools, probably mixed mack tuna and spotties. Hooked a fish on 3 kg line which I fought for 90 minutes and followed for 5 km until it threw the lure near the boat. I am 90% sure it was a mack tuna about 7-8 kg.

There was some real nice looking blue water at 27 degrees in close, so I trolled lures out to the 40 m line ad then turned North. No hits and problems with my motor. Eventually the motor wouldn't start and I had to be towed back to Mooloolaba from the inside of Murphies reef. Very dissapointed. Went home Sat arvo with no fish in the esky.

Still got some nice prizes in the lucky draw. Well run comp and was good fun (mostly).

See you at the Brisbane comp Scott - come and say hello!


10-02-2004, 04:53 AM
hey jeremy
yea i was'nt sure if you were at the weigh in and would of felt like a wally asking everyone ::).i had my boat right out side in the carpark.white centre con so i thought if you were there you might of seen the ausfish stickers.
anyway dazza mentioned the bris comp so ill check the dates and if i can go i will for sure.
cheers scott

10-02-2004, 07:40 AM
I did see your boat, but I didn't have a real close look. Top looking rig. What make of boat is it?

Brisbane comp is 5, 6, 7 of March. You won't be able to miss me if you can make it as I will be heavily involved in the running of the comp.



10-02-2004, 11:57 AM
i saw ya sitting out at spot x jeremy... we wondered what the coast gaurd boat was doing circling you.. till they started towing ;D i was in the 45 foot bertram ;D hehe.

10-02-2004, 04:28 PM
hi all,
first time i have ever caught sweetlip trolling for mac's. a couple of the grassies were rippers.
thanks to col from fisher boats we were able to get on the water. also for the skirts. ;) but that is another story.
were you sitting at the table with mick?
we were at the table opposite with a few of the guy's from ipswich.
the brisbane guy's caught some really nice fish. well done
hopefully will be able to fish your comp, but i think i am on night duty, might have to change my roster
great weekend. had a ball
ps- almost winter scotty, can almost taste the red ;D ;D

10-02-2004, 06:02 PM
So Jeremy, seeing as I was slack and didn't go, who won? Which Club? I heard that some of the good fish came from Paul Jacobs and Mellissa Emery from the Gold Coast. They have been out of the scene for a while.

10-02-2004, 09:44 PM
ooooooooo ive got 4 days off starting the fifth,so ill be there for sure.im sure i dazza won't need much arm twisting.

jeremy my boats an aussie alloy ive had it for five years now and its been a great boat for me.the guy who used to make them passed away some years back so you dont see many around.
so ill definatley catch up next time
cheers scott

11-02-2004, 03:43 AM

I gave you a call at around 7 am on your mobile but you didn't answer. I figured you had decided not to bother with the wind. I saw those two game boats at your spot X and figured that must be where you mentioned there was some bait. How did you go anyway? Gut wrenching feeling getting towed back in I can tell you. Mooloolaba CG wanted $220 for the 2 hours they claimed the boat was out. Fortunately I am an associate member of Caloundra CG, so I didn't have to pay, but I think I'll join Mooloolaba when that expires. Support the CG and insurance in case of future breakdowns.


I was at the table closest to the entrance from the car park with about 5-6 other guys from Brisbane. I had the green T-shirt and red face! Yeah Mick came over to our table after a while, so yeah thats where I was. I figured you were at that table opposite, as one of you guys got a line class trophy for a 4 kg spanish mack I think.


Brisbane won, with Steve Gregory, Roy and Damon our three top scoring anglers. I missed the first part of the weigh in so didn't see all the fish. Steve got around 950 points and I don't think anyone else came close.

Looking forward to round two in March. Heres hoping for some good weather. Anyone want a copy of the comp rules for Brisbane, send me your email address.
