View Full Version : TSV/Maggie Island Sun 2nd May

03-05-2004, 02:06 PM
Got back from a nice day on the water spoilt by a few kids (of generic local troublemaker sort- insert stereotype here) spitting at us from Victoria Bridge while we were enjoying a bit of tiddly wink fishing with the kids. But anyway...
Middle reef:
We were there for about 2 1/2 hours and were quite happy to pick up the first estuaty cod thinking well that was a nice sized cod (48cm) we'll take that home for the bbq. Then we caught a nice little grunter (39cm) and we were quite content. Earlier on I thought I'd just stick a big slab of fish on to a 10/0 hook connected to handline (80lb) and sit it on the bottom thinking well if bits flake off it'll be good berley and if something else comes along...
Well it went off! Straight under the boat. A bit of tugging and swearing etc. Eventually 11kg of 86cm Estuary Cod comes aboard. Of course we told the wifes & kids we only caught the littler fish when we picked 'em up. Once we were under way we got the young fellas to look in the storage box.
They were also very impressed as they had never seen a fish that big outside of Reef HQ (Big Aquarium in TSV).
So its marinated cod cuts on the BBQ tonight!

03-05-2004, 03:41 PM
Decent cod there, they are a nice feed :D

03-05-2004, 04:14 PM
Makes the other two look like midgits!!Good cod mate