View Full Version : Offshore Double Island Point

16-06-2004, 05:43 PM
Gday all
Well the weather looked dodgy for a fishing trip to DI but we were keen. We headed up Sunday morning with the forecast for the wind to drop out through the day, which never happened and headed out in the afternoon to fish in close. It was pretty choppy but not much swell on but still bloody uncomfortable. The fish were on the chew and I soon got onto Lee (opimax) to also come out and have a fish. We caught plenty with pearlies, squire, parrot, scarlet and a lot of under sized reds up to 52cm coming aboard. I got nailed while bringing up a small fish on my spinning gear and half-hour later a good-sized amberjack came up. I switched to some heavy gear and hooked another small fish, which I left sitting off the bottom and within 30 seconds another good AJ nailed the small fish and a 15-20kg fish surfaced and I pulled it over the side for a few pics and soon put him back. I did the same thing again and another hit. This fish gave me a bit more curry with Lee and the boys close by and they already knew what I had again. A big AJ came up and I again pulled it over the side, as I did not want to use the gaff so I could let him go. This AJ was a good 25-30kg and soon was back in the water to fight another day. I gave up on ajs after that with my back totally screwed. We headed back in before dark to get the boat on the trailer and have an early one while Lee stayed out for a few more hours. Monday morning was still blowing and still bloody choppy. We headed to the 8 mile area to find it dead with bugger all fish showing on the sounder and Lee trying to find a few in the same area. We tried several spots out wider and the same story with only a few squire, pearlies, Maori cod, sweetlip coming aboard. It was very dead on all the spots, which was strange for this time of year. We came back in close before heading home around midday and would you believe there was fish showing on the sounder everywhere and we soon anchored to have a quick fish and scored Pearlies, squire, parrot before we had to head in. When we got to shore the waves were dumping on the beach pretty hard and lucky it was low tide as we were able to get a little bit of protection from a sand bank and get the boat on with ease. I got hold off Lee who was still out there and told him about the dumping waves and he too came in while the tide was low to also retrieve his boat with ease. Lee had a few more days up his sleeve so dont know if he went out the next day or not Not a good trip but still ok and it was good to meet you Lee and finally get you out there and show you a few areas that usually fish well. I’m sure there will be many more times we will see you up there now.

Cheers Greg
Heres the smallest of the 3 AJ. This fish i caught on my spinning gear and a 1/0 hook ;D

16-06-2004, 05:48 PM
That big bugger on a 1/0 hook, now I have seen everything,
Well done ;D


16-06-2004, 05:53 PM
Shit Greg, well done mate - tops effort on spin gear. The one I pulled with Rob a few weeks back went around 20kg and gave me enough curry on the TLD25 setup. Can't imagine the fun you would've had on the spin gear!

Sounds like a top session mate.


16-06-2004, 05:55 PM
top effort mate

16-06-2004, 07:33 PM
Top effort and a great report. Must have been fun to catch a big AJ on spinning gear. 1/0 hook ??? were you chasing livies at the time.



17-06-2004, 04:03 AM
giday all
thanks again greg, it was good to meet you & terry, its always hard to fish new ground, but with your help i think we are off to a good start. i was bit worried about retieving my boat being f/glass with a dumping shore break but with a couple under my belt now i can`t wait till the next w/end with some good weather to again put her in on the beach at d/i.for a slow w/end we ended bagging out on pearlies all about 45cm 4 snapper biggest being 4 kg ,samson fish cooked on bbq , 4 cod, & a s$%t load of under reds. hopfully next time can head to wider grounds in seach of the big reds. lee

17-06-2004, 11:55 AM
The reason i was using such a small hook was because i was trying to catch a few small reefies for livies to use on the big gear as we had been bustard up while bringing some fish up. But first drop i hooked a small fish and two seconds later the pictured AJ hammered a little squire. After that i just used my big gear with 4/0 hooks and
hooked some small fish and pulled the line up about 5-10 mtrs and waited for the AJs.
We lost about another 4 big ajs while bottom fishing.

good to see you enjoyed yourself and hope to see you up there more often. You now have some good areas that we always fish and i can tell you the fishing will get better out wide. The fishing in close was better then it usaully is but size was hard to find. That close in spot has been fishing good for about 15-20 years and its amazing what has come from there. So i would hope you can keep that one under your hat :-X
Cheers Greg

17-06-2004, 12:36 PM
rest easy greg thanks again ;) lee

17-06-2004, 01:13 PM

not to worry about lee giving anything away :-X
the same as my "spot x" :o
lee has keeped it to himself ;D ;D

my rod and tackle box are ready in the shed, for YOUR next trip to D/I :P

18-06-2004, 04:23 PM
Right coloured shirt ;) but you covered the logo ::)
good to see terry's getting better at taking pics.
top fish greg..\
the secret wepon strikes again [smiley=rifle.gif]

18-06-2004, 10:37 PM

19-06-2004, 01:31 PM
Roota most of the other pics have the head cut off me or the bloody fish. The big aj didnt turn out thanks to the old boys dodgy camera work ::)

19-06-2004, 04:31 PM
Good fishin Greg as usual.Maybe you need to catch smaller fish or wear bigger shirts for Thunderbird.
Say giday to the family for me.
See ya