View Full Version : Harry's o/nite Saturday

06-07-2004, 03:52 PM
Fished Harry Atkinson o/nite saturday . Shit load undersize squire only 3 keepers , 3 sharks , 1 flathead , 2 whiting , 3 bream and a boat full of empty xxxx & rum cans. Mate in another boat did get a 895mm jewwy .

06-07-2004, 04:45 PM
nice what depth were you fishing and what bait was the jew caught on ?

07-07-2004, 02:38 AM
In about 65ft got him 5-8ft off bottom on a small squid bait .

07-07-2004, 07:34 AM
I fished there overnight Friday night and got the same only diff was that we caught about 50+ squire and only 3 keepers and no other type of fish was caught all night long.
Great night out in the bay fished there from 5pm till 10.30am, bait used squid and pillies, burly but strong current and we were in about 75ft .
On leaving harry's got pulled over by the fisheries, good to see them out and about but this time I had everything onboard lol.
Got done for no flares this time last year :D :-/
Good to see you got on to something other then squire, was the current running fast?

Tight Lines