View Full Version : Tuna and Green jobbies

18-07-2004, 12:51 PM
Headed out at 5am for spot x around Hutchies. Couldn't ask for better fishing conditions. No reds in spot x, fished it for about 3 hours. I got slammed 2 times on live slimy's, bot they where to close to the coarl and just busted me off. Moved to n/w side of Hutchies and caught 3 tuna and 5 jobbies. Then i started dicking around with some soft plastic's in 70 feet of water and caught 2 squire [not bad for my second time useing them] The only problem with them is they get the crap chewd out of them. Wind picked up about 1pm and you could see storms comeing. All in all i've got a feed and kept one tuna for bait.

18-07-2004, 02:25 PM
sounds like a good day to me, gota be better than freezin ya butt off

19-07-2004, 07:52 AM
Sounds like ya had a bit of fun there, Talking of offshore plastics, Have you tried using the "Snapback" grubs ? they are much more durable than most others and will stand up to the chewing a lot better.

Regards, Tony ;)

19-07-2004, 01:56 PM
Spiro, We fished the bulwer drop off on saturday for a lot of undersize squire, parrot and grassy sweetlip. But i know exactly what u mean when u say your plastics didnt last long. It was my first time using plastics for squire, and i went through a packet of berkley minnows, and a packet of another brand for a total of $22!! They were top fun and work awesome (been using them for flatties for long while now but never for reef species.) but i think i'll be looking for cheaper ones or taking up Tony's suggestion and trying some more durable plastics.


19-07-2004, 02:42 PM
The ones i was useing where berkly powerbaits. $7.95 for 7 of them. Last time i bought 5 packs of squidgies fo $30, all different typs of big shads. Tried 3 different ones to no luck.