View Full Version : BSFC trip to 18s off Southport

13-08-2004, 04:18 AM
Trip was origianlly planned for the weekend, but a check of the forecast saw us rescheduling it for yesterday. Unfortunately the forecast of 10-15 was wrong and it was 15-20 knots, but we had 5 boats go out with 9 anglers aboard.

First stop was the Scottish prince for some livies, then out to the 18s. Anchored on some bait on some hard ground, but fishing was slow. I caught my first trag jew - just legal at 46 cm - and I also caught my biggest mack tuna of 7.8 kg on 6 kg line. Thought it was a cobe - went deep first, then took off 150 m fast, turned it and pumped it back in and landed it after about 15 minutes. Kept for bait for next few trips. My deckie had several good runs on live baits but only scored the one mack tuna around 5 kg (tagged and released) - some of them were baits bitten in half or line bitten off so must have been some good tailor down there.

Two snapper were landed on other boats - 4.04 and 3.1, both on 6 kg line. It was definitely slow fishing though and we pulled the pin by 9.30 and headed back in.


14-08-2004, 04:15 PM
Hi Jeremy

Good to hear you at least got a few decent fish we were out there last saturday from about 4:00am got a few flathead early and a small 3ft hammer head shark then went quite after the sun came up and couldn't get a legal fish in the boat.
at about ten am we had what looked like cobia comingg up behind the boat they were quite shy of anything with a line in it didn't get a hook up until I went down to 4kg line and when i did get it in it was a ramora but looked heaps smaller than the other fish that was hanging around, do you know if or have you seen these species feeding together ???

Good going on the mack and the trag I bet that mack tuna put up one hell of a fight on 6kg


16-08-2004, 05:55 AM

I have caught a remore once before on a trolled lure up at Heron Is. They look alot like a juvenile cobia until you get a good look. Don't know whether remora and cobia hang around together, but I would think that catching a remora would indicate that there are sharks around.
