View Full Version : Fraser Is. 11th - 14th

17-08-2004, 05:20 PM
We headed up to Fraser early on Ekka Wednesday and pitched our camp about 11km north of Dunduberra. Man was it a slow trip up the eastern beach - never in 20 yrs have I seen so many undulations up the entire length of 75 mile beach. As you may well imagine, there are plenty of good gutters everywhere, (both high and low water) but allow at least an extra hour for the slow trip.

Fishing was very ordinary except for an abundance of Dart. In the 4 days, I caught about 6 Tailor but all were reasonable quality around the 1 to 1.5 kg mark. There were some good Dart mixed in with a lot average size. Best spot for us was a deep gutter about 2km south of Indian Head. Tried to fish Orchid beach and round to Negala Rocks on Thursday but was hopeless due to weed.

Weed on the eastern beach but fishable in places. Spoke with fisheries inspectors on Thursday afternoon and they confirmed that nobody was catching much at all and eastern beach had the only signs of Tailor. Didn't see any sharks (because no tailor I guess) but numerous whales sighted heading north.

All up, the fishing was slow but certainly managed to bring back quite a few feeds. Fraser is still a magic place to relax, have a cold ale, and to catch fish is a bonus.
Cheers, Davo.

PS. A very strong Northerly hammered through on Saturday and the eastern beach was a total sea of snot weed. Looked a bit better as we travelled back to Bris on Sunday and went via Rainbow round to double Is and down the beach. BUT, the snot weed in Rainbow bay (double Is end) was nearly thick enough to walk on!!! Looked like the Exon Valdes oil spill all over again.

17-08-2004, 07:44 PM
I'm going over on the 29th. Hope we get some good South Easters for a bit before then to clean up the weed.

Davo, how was the track across Indian Head?

:) :)


18-08-2004, 07:46 AM
Davo - Great Report.
But The Fishing sounds a Bit Dissapointing.
Heading up Fri 26th for 10 Days.
Dave One Question ,How Bad was Eli Creek to Cross
Cheers Wayne

18-08-2004, 08:06 AM
Was up at fraser about a month ago, so not sure if it is still relevant, but the track over Indian was the best I've ever seen it.
Wayne, Eli wont be a problem. Its cut out straight in front of the pedestrian bridge and is running at just a trickle. Saw a guy standing under the bridge (a lot of sand chewed out) and there was only about a foot of water running.

18-08-2004, 12:01 PM
Thanks for the update!

18-08-2004, 03:44 PM
We were also up there from 11th to 15th, 8km north of Dundubara. Same story - billions of small-average dart, few larger dart, tailor scarce. I only got 4 in quite a few hours trying. Weed made it unfishable the last 2 days unless you were prepared to drive around looking for weed-free water.

Highlight of the trip was getting buzzed by an F111 while standing on top of Indian Head - needless to say everyone up there nearly sh#t themselves as the plane banked past about 50m away travelling at huge speed.

19-08-2004, 04:47 AM
Morlers - the track behind Indian was, as usual, quite soft so its a good idea to have your tyres down aroud 20psi to go through.

Wayne - Eli Ck is running almost straight out into the ocean at present. It's not running too deep so you should have no problems. Just cross it as low down as possible and DON"T stop in the creek.

Have a good trip hey! Cheers, Davo. ;)

19-08-2004, 06:17 AM
hi fellers. heading to fraser for a week 28th august, 1st time. seafarer viking, red flash, drop in & say hello, maybe compare notes, all the best, kevy. ::)

19-08-2004, 08:04 AM
did you see any sharks :o

19-08-2004, 08:52 AM
Hey Snappa - NO sharks but sounds like you want to start another hot toothy debate! ;D

19-08-2004, 05:21 PM
Thanks Davo. I normally run tyres at 15psi and have no trouble with the Pajero. Will be pulling a trailer up (tyres at around 18psi) so always a bit anxious crossing the soft stuff. Mostly I an fine but occasionally have trouble at Indian if too soft and too many cars have churned it up using a thousand different tracks to get over. They had some rain over there last night so may have firmed it up a little. Ten sleeps to go.

;D ;D
