View Full Version : solo at mud

20-08-2004, 07:06 AM
Hi to all, decided to go give the fish a free feed at mud island by myself on tuesday night. ;D
Since there was a new moon about the plan was to try the shallows - {1 metre or so}, caught some gar, then anchored in close at dusk, cracked open a scotch and enjoyed the scenery. [smiley=cool3.gif] [smiley=cool3.gif]
Fished the rising tide in calm conditions, and with two rods in the drink - kept busy replacing baits while the peckers were putting on weight at a steady rate !
{ As they say - fish for the future } ;D
Well after a few hours of sitting in the dark by myself and a couple of quiet drinkies, to entertain the crowd { my mind}
I had a sing along for awhile and that sounded great :-/
I told a few jokes to myself that were hilarious :-/ :-/
I bit my fingernails for awhile - then started on my toenails :-/
{Note to self} - wash bait off hands before biting nails ::)
By about midnight i realised that ;
I can't sing for shit
I don't have any real funny jokes
I was starting to go mad......
So i bunked down for the night.
Woke up at 5am fished for an hour , then took the bolt home to save my sanity ! ;D ;D
regards darren

20-08-2004, 07:22 AM

20-08-2004, 07:59 AM
sounds like a good night and peaceful, just need to brush up on the singing and joke telling

20-08-2004, 12:04 PM
Wish I had quiet nights on the bay when I got 4 legal squire.

After two and a half years back in Brisbane and making forays into the bay I have yet to take home more than 2 legal squire from any overnight trip. I do as most people seem to do - help the small ones get bigger.

Big Al 2

20-08-2004, 01:02 PM
nice feed of fresh fish

20-08-2004, 02:44 PM
This business about 'fish for the future' and help the small ones get bigger' has got bells on it. Sometimes I reckon they simply just don't get any bigger - we have midget fish in this bay!! I'm damn sure I've been feeding these same little buggers for years and years and years!! Maybe we need to categorize the new species of 'Dwarf Snapper' and "Dwarf Bream' etc. etc.!!

That's what it is.............new species .....should have known!!

20-08-2004, 04:56 PM

as much as it pains me to admit it, I have to agree. I am right up there iin the debate about undersize and bag limits, but after spending the last couple of years fishing on average 10 hours a week, about the closest I have got is 3 good size flatties. And that was between 2 of us.

So with someone puting in such an effert,,,and never even getting close to bag limits,,, Geez m8 The majority of fish must be pretty safe from us rec fishos.

20-08-2004, 05:09 PM
sounds like a fun night. im sure that if you practice on your singing and on your jokes and clean under your nails then you can have a lot of fun. just make sure no one else is around. could be a good way to get someone off the spot you want to fish in.

cheers phil

20-08-2004, 09:01 PM
I think I can help you out abit!
I'm gettin the feeling that you are missin out on the luxuries of havin a 'highly trained' deckie.

hint hint........ ::)mick ::)

p.s good singer too! ;) ;D

hey.. doesn't hurt to try! :-/

21-08-2004, 05:21 AM
Felt a bit that way meself after targeting snapper in my first season and simply feeding pickers all day/night long. We know the decent fish are there as Webby and others have proven, and all credit to them for thir skills and perseverance. Those elusive things with a lump on their heads and the other ones......silver ladies I call 'em, just seemd to be taking up too much of my time, which *I* don't mind but I have the crew to consider.

Yes, I'd dearly love to catch one of the buggers, but targeting 'em specifically was resulting in frustrated kids and a disgruntled deckie........all they seemed to want to do was fill the bait tank with grinners and pit brute strength against the big stingies, shovelnose and shark, that are so prolific in the bay. For a quieter, (and more rewarding for them) fishing experience, I have granted their wishes to keep returning to spots x, y, and z and to postpone the snapper and jew hunting till a later date when the kids are older and more able to better appreciate the *finer* arts of fishing. At least they're learning how to boat a "biggie" without constantly having to rebait every 30 seconds.

That said, I have made it conditional that every time we go out, I spend at least *one* hour simply looking for structure in the spoil grounds of the bay, well away from the overfished haunts of other's such as Mud and Harry's in the hope that we'll eventually find a spot that isn't overpopulated with non-keepers. If I prove unsuccesful in the first hour, then they get to have a go for flake. My last trip out was when I first put this into effect and when I found, (deliberately), a decent bit of structure. The deckie and kids are in full agreement with my plan (for a change), as this was my first result.........could be my last, but at least I've convinced them that my plan may well work :-)



22-08-2004, 07:40 AM
What a great picture. You've got a boat load of little beauties there Kev. A life time of wonderful memories for all concerned. And the fish isn't bad either.


23-08-2004, 05:21 AM
What a great picture. You've got a boat load of little beauties there Kev. A life time of wonderful memories for all concerned. And the fish isn't bad either.


Cheers Ges,

Been trying to get back out to that spot ever since, but whenever I'm free, the weather ain't right.......It'll give time for another cod to take over that one's haunt......hopefully :-)

