View Full Version : Another Fraser Report 30/8-3/9

06-09-2004, 04:38 PM
Sunday 29/8 saw us catch first barge from Inskip Pt. First thing we noticed after rounding Hook Pt was brown weed in every gutter. We soon discovered this virtually extended all the way to Ngkala Rocks. Worse, we got caught out and actually bogged in a weed bog about 25km into our journey. The weed was about 18" deep and covered in sand so as to be hidden. First time in 20 years that I have seen a weed bog on the eastern side. Only way out was to unhitch the trailer, get car out onto harder sand and then snig trailer out. Of course we had to join the many others and get bogged at Indian Head as well, but with the help of same friendly backpackers pushing, got through eventually. No fishing Sunday, just set up camp between Orchid Beach and Ocean Lake amongst the She Oaks (excellent camp site) and opened the esky for a few coldies plus a few more.

Monday 30/8. North Easters blowing and those fishing from Waddy Pt to Ngkala Rocks still had to deal with weed. Only a few fish seen caught and these were dart, no tailor.

Tuesday 31/8. Headed to Sandy Cape and noticed no weed from Ngkala Rocks north. Didn't catch anything though but did see a good school of tailor in a gutter just a little south of the cape but by the time we got rods to the water along came a shark and promptly dispersed them.

Wednesday 1/9. Started raining Tuesday night and continued for most of the day. Actually it made it a cold day. No fishing this morning but later caught up with Kevy (fellow Ausfish member) and his mates. Went to fish the evening at Orchid Beach but caught none. There were about 100 fishermen but little was seen landed (only choppers and dart).

Thursday 2/9. It dawned a very pleasant day with light winds. Fished North Ngkala in the morning and caught quite a few good sized greenbacks, now we were happy. Everyone in the group of about 40 fishermen were catching good sized fish. Kevy caught up with us for a good yarn and a few coldies. Returned to North Ngkala for evening session but weed had moved in. So back to Orchid but did no good. Heaps of dart were caught by others.

Friday 3/9. Didn't fish today but those that did fish Orchid Beach caught heaps, both tailor and dart. Broke camp and headed back down the Island. The rain had hardened the sand at Indian Head so this was easily traversed. However, the beach south was like porridge and going hard. Should have left a few hours latter.

Overall, although we caught only a few fish, we had fun and recharged the batteries. Also caught up with fellow Ausfisher Kevy -a very knowledgable fisherman and boatie. Fraser as always was a great experience for us -love it.

:) :)


07-09-2004, 09:20 AM
any trouble at indian head for a car without trailer
was it the trailer that bogged you down?

07-09-2004, 09:56 AM
hey morlers, thanks for the rap, don,t get many these days. made it back to the barge with 5 minutes to spare, not a good trip, bloody pleased to get home. i woudn,t pull a boat up there again. we had to drag the other boat out twice on way back. bruce has a lot more experience than me on that caper. all in all a enjoyable time. 2 days fishing, one in the rain, for the week. [smiley=wut.gif]

07-09-2004, 11:32 AM
fraser is a great place ;D
with or without the fish

no sharks cruising in close .. going back again in oct. when "the one who must be obeyed" goes to bali. reason is to catch me another shark

07-09-2004, 11:45 AM
hi morlers, forgot to thank you for dragging my mate out of the sand on wednesday. ( christ i was cold ) enjoyed the drinks, with you guys, all the best, kevy. [smiley=wut.gif]

08-09-2004, 04:14 AM
any trouble at indian head for a car without trailer
was it the trailer that bogged you down?
Hi Rob
Yes it was the trailer that got me bogged...it was just an anchor. To get out of the boggs I just unhooked the trailer and:
-got the car out onto harder ground and snigged trailer out, or
-got the car out, manually turned the trailer 180 deg, rehitched and drove back to have another go.

My 4wd is a 1985 NB Pajero Super wagon running on Premium Unleaded Petrol, tyres @ 15psi and either 1st gear high range at 3,000 to 4,000rpm or 2nd gear low range similar revs. I can go most places with just the car alone. Even got over Ngkala Rocks bypass with no problems. The secret really is tyres down low (watch you don't turn sharply and roll tyres off rims) and keep your revs up.

:) :)


08-09-2004, 07:18 AM
thanks for the info