View Full Version : Nerang River 14/11/04

17-11-2004, 04:10 AM
Took the minister down to the Nerang River for a fish on Sunday for some whiting. Fished the river bank at the council chambers on the last of the run in and the first hour of the run out.

Not much action for the first hour then bang.... The minister is on for a good size whiting of 33 Cms. Fifteen minutes later and she is on again for a smaller whiting (Legal size but released it for another day), meantime I cant get more than a nibble.

After another 10 minutes she lands another of 28 Cms. The tide started to get a bit of run on so decided to give it a miss.

Went down to the seaway and had a fish off the rocks for a while and I finally managed to get a good size whiting of 33 cms. So the score was Minister 3 Me 1. smiley=disappointed.gif]
Just have to get out again and try to even the score. ::)

Heres the catch.... Made a good feed Sunday Nite

17-11-2004, 07:36 AM
Bet they were nice eating 2 nice catch

17-11-2004, 08:02 AM
Beaudiful........ ;D