View Full Version : Offshore Tweed 20th

22-11-2004, 02:32 PM
Hit the tweed early sat with fellow ausfisher Brad Watts, hoping to live bait fidos for some cobia, that planned changed when we couldnt get any lives >:(

So we put on a few lures and trolled the tide change at the 9 mile for a few mac tuna only. Looking around at the weather we decided to head to brumbies for a troll around there, no action there either. Put the marlin / dfish lures on and decided to take the trailcraft to the 36's for first time ever. Managed to find a fad out there , but no d/fish around it, not sure when it was put there so hopefully they will take up residence in the future. Trolled around it a few passes then decided that we would use some tuna for a bottom bash. Straight up into some small squire , which promply filled the esky for the dinner plate. Nothing of any real massive size, but still a hell of a lot of fun using light gear in 65mtrs of water ;D

The slightest breeze came up, so i said to brad, lets troll bak, we got about 10 mins into it, and the trolling was just not happening for us so i said lets just bugger off, 10 mins later we got our bloody arses kicked by a 25nt southerly >:( Absolutly got pounded all the way back to the tweed bar, and broke the bait board in process.

Anyways a top day on the water, pitty not dollies.. next time ;)

22-11-2004, 02:34 PM
our feed of squire.

22-11-2004, 02:35 PM
brad giving the weather the thumbs up as we troll out wide

22-11-2004, 02:36 PM
Mac tuna in its best form .. bait for reef fish :P

22-11-2004, 04:16 PM
Bad Luck JB with the trollin.

Kirra has been good for livies, they seem to raise more dollies than the lures ATM [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]


23-11-2004, 06:35 AM
Thanks for the info Garry, i tried for livies at the p/jetty but to no avail. Was too dam lazy to go to kirra, thinking about it now i should have gassed it round there.


23-11-2004, 10:32 AM
Thanx JB

3kg braid in 65m is great!!! and maybe a little risky!! :) ;)

Cheers B

23-11-2004, 01:57 PM
Hi JB,

Nice work on the squire, lucky you deciced to go down the tweed I went to the seaway on sat morning and got about halfway along the walls when I seen a charter boat nearly dissappear from view at the end of the walls and turned around it was to messy for me , also spoke to a mate that went out off point lookout chasing dollies at the fad he had got them thursday week ago there but none saturday and the current was raging with a bit of rain thrown in ;D.


23-11-2004, 03:50 PM
Jb will have to hook up with you for a trip off the tweed sometime soon( tagalong) did you cross the tweed bar or currumbin??

Cheers Cloud 9

23-11-2004, 05:08 PM
Good to see you at least got a good feed. :D They're a nice eating size.



23-11-2004, 05:42 PM
Thanks mark, yep the smaller ones still taste good ;) . Tweed bar cloud9, was dead flat sat, actually whole day was one of best i've seen till 2pm on the 36s :-/ , copped a floggin in the chop on way home, bar was none existent though which was good. Boat is a bit arse heavy sometimes, not sure wat gunna do about that, thinking about one of those foil things for the motor. Had the problem where chop was too big and all over the place to stay on plane, but cause we were going into wind and sitting at back of boat i was strugglin to keep the nose down, one stage we got a bit air borne and "fell" arse ways into the lull in a swell, lucky i aint got one of those open transoms, otherwise would have had a boat full of water .hehhe ;D

23-11-2004, 05:47 PM
Trim tabs would be the go for that high sided Trailcraft JB ;)

