View Full Version : First trip ever to Murphy's(with pics)

24-05-2005, 04:45 PM
When out to Murphy’s on Sunday for a dusk fish. Left the Mooloolaba at 1 pm and conditions, well you couldn't ask for much more. There was a fare bit of bird action but I figure the sooner we get to the reef the better. Quick trip out got there in half an hour. Anchored up and first drop got my first venues tusk fish ever weighed in at 1.3 kilos. About half an hour later the other fella that came with us got a pearly which just made 40 cm. Then it was nothing but little grassies for about an hour or so then dad made me put my jumper on and just as I started to put it on the predictable happened my rod went off. A few seconds later my first ever, of two caught that evening, was boated both came in at 35 and a bit cm. Dad got a nice trigger fish and a few undersized Pearlies. We also got a lot of undersized squire and red emperor. And i caught what I think is a nannygai from down south it had sharp as scales.
Anyway that is the end of that chapter.

Cheers Michael a.k.a chemmy

Photos to follow

The parrot

24-05-2005, 04:47 PM

24-05-2005, 04:48 PM

24-05-2005, 04:49 PM
the catch

24-05-2005, 04:49 PM

24-05-2005, 04:59 PM
some nice pearlies there mate that was actually what they call a squirrel fish. ;)

24-05-2005, 05:01 PM
Hi Michale and others.
I remember seeing you out there we were in the yellow 6 meter next to you.Good to see you got a feed .

24-05-2005, 05:02 PM
thanks for the correction

24-05-2005, 05:04 PM
thanks did you get much only saw you pull up one fish

24-05-2005, 05:19 PM
Well done Michael. Couple nice Pearlies to take home and by the sounds a few caught for practice. Weather looked the goods as well. Good job.....

24-05-2005, 06:34 PM
does any one know if the trigger fish are any good on the table.

24-05-2005, 06:47 PM
Well done chemmy, good effort for your first time. ;) :D I recognise the boat now from the photos.



25-05-2005, 09:31 AM
Ahhh the first trip offshore on the sunny coast! That will be the last time you catch fish mate now you have the bug! I remember my first trip outside up there a few years ago, got a good feed then the next 10 trips were uneventfull! Practise and persitance are the key it's a good start in any case! Well done


25-05-2005, 10:59 AM
Not clear from the photo, but your trigger fish looks a bit like a Leather Jacket. Leather Jackets make good eating. You skin them rather than scale them. They have big bones which make them easy to eat whole, so no need to fillet. Prefer the pearlies!


25-05-2005, 11:44 AM
good one michael. I'll have to get out there soon!!!

25-05-2005, 12:29 PM
Wheres the slateys and wobbys chemmys.

25-05-2005, 02:25 PM
nice haul mate. i hope my first trip is as succesful. i take my hat off to ya mate [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]

cheers phil

25-05-2005, 06:11 PM
Seasaw: i thought it wasn't to bad to
Reeldreamer: thanks but i hope that i don't end up with 10 uneventfull trips like you
Argo: if you look at the tail profile of a leather jaket and the profile of a trigger fish i think you will agre that it was a trigger fish ;)
Scott15: i offered you a spot of the boat but you refused :-/ why ??? was staying at home that much better than pulling earlies of a reef ??? ??? But should see you out there soon but not this weekend by the looks of it. :(
Devocean: i thought i will give the spearing a miss bucause thought that in 40 meter was a little hard to dive to the bottom ;D ;D ;D
Phil: thanks for the comment hopefully it isn't going to be the last.

26-05-2005, 03:36 AM
michael. Man i would have gone out but ya boat was already full and i didnt wanna makes yas cramped.

26-05-2005, 04:31 AM
mate there was plenty of room it would have been you and me on one side and dad and the other fella on the other side
how is that cramped?

26-05-2005, 07:48 AM
i take my hat off to ya mate [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]
LoL Phil, I'm picking up your subtle humour ;)
Chemmy, good to see mate, good to see ;D

mate there was plenty of room it would have been you and me on one side and dad and the other fella on the other side
how is that cramped?
I think he means he didn't wanna cramp your style ;D Just think, if Scott came along that parrot might've taken his bait instead of yours ;)

26-05-2005, 09:25 AM
ahh i see

26-05-2005, 11:17 AM
lol guys, Well there's always another time michael 8)

26-05-2005, 12:39 PM
yea like this saturday