View Full Version : The Bay Saturday 28th

31-05-2005, 11:47 AM
Set out from Nudgee early with high hopes for a feed. Decided to fish the 4 beacons but didn't have any luck. Headed over to the wrecks and picked up a few decent bream. Tried the 4 beacons again using mullet flesh and SPs with only a grinner to show for it. Decided to try around Mud. Had just gotten set up when the police came over for an inspection. No problems thought I, I always make sure I've got all the gear. Everything he asked for I pulled out confidently until he asked for the flares. Out of date. Bugger. Fire extinguisher also disharged due to age. Bugger. Cost me a $150 fine. Didn't feel like fishing anymore and decided to go home. First time I've been pulled up so I thought I might get a warning. Oh well, should have checked my gear I guess.

31-05-2005, 11:50 AM

31-05-2005, 11:51 AM
Bad luck, I know of several warnings issued, they like to haunt that area off mud a good revenue raising spot.

31-05-2005, 01:00 PM
Such is life mate, we have had enough bad weather recently so none of us should have an excuse for poor preparation! A good reminder for all of us!

Cheers Mitch

31-05-2005, 01:42 PM
hi all, mate i was out on sat in the new second hand fisher.was at wello pt and decided to go to harries for a try and ran smack dab into the boys in blue who had just pulled up and droped the little ruber duckie off.i was their first customer and having been bitten once (no flares) i was ready this time.they went through every boat there pluss 3 jet skies who 1 thaught he could outrun that big cat of theirs (silly bugger).after a while they went over to mud,as i had no luck fishing i went over to mate who was at mud and saw boys doing their thing there.they never came around to west side of mud though.i went to 4 beacons for a jig but no luck. was that you in the red glass run about.went home after that about 1-30. has been real quiet for me fish wise lately, not from lack of trying.will try for some of those stud whiting in rouse this w/end mabey. any way the fisher is great, better than the pressed tinnie.

by all

31-05-2005, 01:54 PM

I reckon the 2 biggest 'hot spots' in Moreton Bay for the boys in blue, are Harry's and Mud. In fact I've been pulled up at Mud on a Saturday at 12.30 AM. They musta had money back then to pay OT.

Anyway always keep a check on the gear now, like most people I guess, got caught years ago with out of date flares, bugger.

Tony 8)

31-05-2005, 02:12 PM
I've been pulled up twice this year at the 4 beacons by the "Water Rats Cat".
Only wanted to see life jackets and Flares.
The guys were very polite and were very keen to talk fishing.

31-05-2005, 02:33 PM
No, wasn't me, I've got a white Sportsmancraft. They pulled me up around about midday. I saw them do a few other boats.
Anyway, thanks for the commiserations guys. I'm not holding any grudges, just doing their job I suppose. It's the Missus who I copped it from when I got home. It got me wondering though, has anyone ever used their flares?

31-05-2005, 03:16 PM
Moreton Island, News Years Eve....FABTASTIC !!!! :-X :-X :-X

31-05-2005, 03:35 PM
I've got 3 packets of flares on board now. 2 out of date and one in. I feel very fortunate that I've never had to use any of them. In fact in all the boats I've owned I've never had the need to use them... thank God.

Tony 8)

31-05-2005, 07:58 PM
Flares are like life jackets. You hope to gawd ya never have to use 'em but .. comes the time ... and you want 'em to be in good condition real bad.
We often check fishing gear and that because we use it all the time but it's so easy to forget things like dates on flares 'cause you tend to stick 'em somewhere a bit out of the way in ya boat and they stay out of sight and out of mind.
Pays to have a routine where you check all your safety gear, flares, fire extinguishers, condition of life jackets etc., every time you have to renew your registration. Then you can work out if they are going to be OK till next rego date and give yourself a reminder to buy new ones if you need 'em before they are too old.


31-05-2005, 09:29 PM
skippa is right.

You never want to be in a situation when you have to use flares.

I was one, not on the water but in the mountains.

High ones.

Shot out a few first than got to a stage where we shot one out every 4 hours.
Two of them did not fire.

No need for more details of the story.

Everybode in the team survived fine.
Not due to flares though.

But from somebody who used them:

Be really sure they work OK.
Your life (and the life of others, and your children future and and...) can depend on it.

It's a cheap insurance.