View Full Version : Moreton Cobia
08-07-2005, 04:29 PM
Great day out today and made a visit to spot x3w with my son David. Had to do a bit of father son bonding. We bonded ok!!. David jigged up a few yakka's and out went a bait. My first on the spinning rig was a 28kg Cobia. I thought it best to get out the harness for the young fella!
He took the next at 22kg and after moaning about a sore back latched onto another. Now he really had something to moan about. this one went 35kg.
Good fun!
08-07-2005, 04:30 PM
am trying to send picture and always says "attachment deleted" can anyone help?
08-07-2005, 04:32 PM
Is it at the right size? or mabey take all the underscores out of the title ??? ???
08-07-2005, 04:37 PM
try again
08-07-2005, 04:40 PM
that worked !!!
08-07-2005, 04:41 PM
and another
08-07-2005, 04:44 PM
ooops that was the bait!!
not very good at this. Please be patient
08-07-2005, 04:46 PM
what a ripsnorter of a day
08-07-2005, 05:45 PM
well done what part of the bay did ya get them? ;D ;D ;D :-X
08-07-2005, 06:12 PM
They are great fish. Did they do the old act like a shark and go around the boat then roll as they got to the boat act.
How do you normally cut them and cook them. I prefer mine steaked and then bbq on an electric grill with virgin olive oil, that is reserved only for fish (no red meat flavours that way).
[smiley=chef.gif] [smiley=chef.gif]
08-07-2005, 06:52 PM
Nice Cobia!!
I'm curious, do you sight fish them?? Over here we find them free swimming or following rays on the surface. They make great targets for light tackle & fly anglers using bright colored jigs & flies.
Just wondering if the same tactics are used over there?
Heres one I caught on my birthday this year about a mile away from the Space Shuttle launch pad. not as big as yours but fun on a 8wt.
09-07-2005, 03:19 AM
That is a bloody shame you felt you needed to keep all 85 kg of cobia. They don't even look like they have been bled. I could say more.
09-07-2005, 04:59 AM
:-/ Congratulations - great fish guys but have to say I am normally a reasonable judge of fish in regards to weight, are you sure those weights gospel ??? ??? - for me the figures look correct in pounds not kilograms. Tend to agree with Jeremy - however each to there own - - - some great fishies though 2 me they look 28 22 and 35 lb!
09-07-2005, 06:13 AM
hey jeremy,
remind me to never post a good catch.
i dare you to reply the same way to rob or any of the other guys who have consistantly large hauls.
i am shure they would tell you where to go just as this poor guy should.
lay off. he was within his size and catch limits so there is no problem here.
cheers mal
09-07-2005, 06:32 AM
this is a chat board mate and I'll feel free to express my opinion whenever I wish. You are also free to express your opinion. A good catch can include fish both kept as well as released. Doesn't just mean photos of dead fish.
Just because it is within size and bag limits doesn't make it morally right.
I don't think I was rude in any way in expressing my opinion, but if you or others want to tell me where to go, knock yourself out!
What is he going to do? Sell fish? Feed his street? Keep it in his freezer for months and not go fishing again in this time?
I think fish should be alot more respected than what it seems to me that this person (and many others) showed here. They are a great resource for both food and fun. If you are going to kill a fish, it should be bled and iced down and frozen/eaten while it is in good condition.
Just take what is required for your immediate needs and release the rest.
09-07-2005, 10:51 AM
Phil - Awesome fish mate - well done. Great pics as well. Looks like the young fella was having the day of his life, and when all is said and done, that's what it's all about. Good on you.
09-07-2005, 12:02 PM
U have had your first lesson posting on ausfish..???
Go fishing and enjoy it… stay legal and no one should be able to complain.
Your decision to keep the fish, no one else.. How do they know what your needs are and what fish u give to relatives that may never go fishing and enjoy eating fish…
my mother in law would eat fish every nite if she could...
Hi there. Great fish. how long did it take to land them?
09-07-2005, 03:22 PM
Congratulations mate,
Im sure you and your boy had a ball, and when all is said and done, your not going to travel miles and just bring the one home if you can help it, while still keeping within the bag and size limits.
Im sure you fed the rellies like we all end up doing on a good catch.
At the end of the day I would like to think all the guys are using this site because they are proud and reaponsible fishos.
Go hard, wish I knew where you were, keep posting the top reports.
09-07-2005, 03:32 PM
The guy that caught all the bream at Noosa was legal too. Morty - whats the difference here ?
09-07-2005, 03:55 PM
Jeremy, go and catch a good feed for a change youreself mate. Maybe spare a thought for the congratulation posts YOU would get!!
Iwould be proud of a catch like that, just like any other die hard fisho who spends a great deal of time chasing a well earnt catch.
People on this site are generally finding out how to catch fish, not how to feed them!! So is it such a crime to have a good success once in a while? Here we all are encouraging eachother, giving eachother pointers, and all you can do is have a dig when somebody shows all of his catch. So what if he feeds the street, so what if he sells it- he was entitled to catch it!!
By the way....... Good catch Oanda FX!!
I'm Allan Jones.
09-07-2005, 04:02 PM
Hope he doesnt sell it being a rec fisherman ? ::)
09-07-2005, 04:08 PM
Jeremy, go and catch a good feed for a change youreself mate. Maybe spare a thought for the congratulation posts YOU would get!!
Iwould be proud of a catch like that, just like any other die hard fisho who spends a great deal of time chasing a well earnt catch.
People on this site are generally finding out how to catch fish, not how to feed them!! So is it such a crime to have a good success once in a while? Here we all are encouraging eachother, giving eachother pointers, and all you can do is have a dig when somebody shows all of his catch. So what if he feeds the street, so what if he sells it- he was entitled to catch it!!
By the way....... Good catch Oanda FX!!
I'm Allan Jones.
09-07-2005, 04:52 PM
welcome to ausfish mate i would'nt woory about a few of the comments mate some people expect you to throw your catch back and buy fish for $25 bucks a kilo. Good fish i bet they would have tasted great on the barbie. mmmmmmmmm i love cobia. Jeremy you are entitled to an opinion mate so throw your catch back but for us who enjoy eating fish and cobia is a very good table fish we will cook ours mate. Cheers ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
09-07-2005, 05:12 PM
That first one looks like one I saw beside my boat a couple of weeks ago. If it had a red 7/0 in its gob its mine ;D ;D ;D
09-07-2005, 07:55 PM
Well done Phil, great fish.
10-07-2005, 07:29 AM
OK Now that seem to have put the proverbial amongst the pigeons, just like rocket's bream!!!!
To all you guys who said congrats, thanks, and I feel they are deserved. I consider myself a capable fisho and being able to catch a couple of fish like that is the end of many years of effort and dedication to the sport.
As for the knockers about keeping the fish... well one went to a guy named todd, who has a wife who slipped and fell down 3 stairs some years back and is a quadraplegic. Raising two young kids on the govt pension is basically impossible. This represents important food to this family.
Another went to another friend who has been fighting cancer. Eating the organic thing and lots of seafoood sees her in remission and her young kids are grateful as are the rest of us.
If me keeping 3 fish helps these two families and allows me to have one for myself, I am able to sleep well at night.
Bleeding.... Yes the fish were and on filleting they were totally free of blood!
Weight.... I use spring balances and can only say that I have checked their calibration using buckets of water and found them to be correct. THE WEIGHT STANDS AS KILOGRAMS!
It was a good catch and there seems to be plenty about at the moment. Go have a try and remember they pull hard
10-07-2005, 12:45 PM
Onya! Phil.
10-07-2005, 01:07 PM
Congratulations once again, my eye with weight is well out for cobia (they must be a very dense kinda fish flesh compared to Murray Cod). Not one to say hey - your integrity and your response shows I was wrong. Though everyone has there own opinion. As stated in my first post - once again Congratulations !
10-07-2005, 01:23 PM
<snip bloody good motive for hanging onto fish>
Go have a try and remember they pull hard
Watcha think I've been trying to do for months now.........and no! I don't remember :-) I'll get one of the buggers one of these days.
Good going Phil. Being a foster carer there are times when there's been as many as 9 in our house. I dare say at those times I'd take my bag limit too as you never know when you're gonna catch next.......well *I* don't anyway :-)
I've pulled into Manly with 2 x 3 metre shovellies tied to the back of my rig and seen the looks on some of the other fishos faces. I don't give a flying fox! They don't know your personal circumstances and one man's meat is another mans poison. Personally, I'd rather do that than fetch back all the legal squire I caught on Thursday.........bugger the mercury from the shovellies and shark, I can't be doing with bones in me fish :-)
What a cracking way to do some bonding...the kid looks like he's having a ball. Well done mate.
10-07-2005, 05:08 PM
I'm glad you left some for me ;D ;D ;D.
It's all too easy with standup conventional gear :) :).
If you want a challenge pick up a fly rod.
Fly caught Cobia taste better too :D :D :D
On ya Phil,
Thats some heavy duty bonding going on there.
Im sure your son will carry these great memories all his life.
Good on ya mate.
PS Id love to catch a Cobe like those. Well done.
13-07-2005, 10:30 AM
Congrats buddy I can draw 100 % parallels with the bonding session you would have shared with your son that day. I went fishing and could only manage 20 reefies which included 10 snapper, sweetlip, parrot and moses perch which I dare not display on this site as the likes of Jeremy may label me as keeping more than my immediate needs (don't forget I've just had to dispense with 180 bream between four large families).
David (The son)
I've never caught a cobia that big!!! Well done!!!
Hmmmm ... the bow rail on that boat looks suspiciously like the same one that Phil caught his cobia on!?!? Maybe you just took a photo of one of Phil's fish and stuck a fly in it's mouth (gotcha) !?!?
13-07-2005, 01:02 PM
Top effort Phil. and never give up your right to keep a fish or three.
Jeremy, high ground that of yours. Have ya ever said anything like that to Reefmaster / greg about what he does with all those reds and pearlies.
Go hard Phil.
Cheers Steven
13-07-2005, 03:14 PM
I think we are all missing the point here guys and that is we are fishermen and love our sport. :)
We are all different people and each have our own ways. Gotta respect the people such as Jeremy who are more into the sport side of fishing and fell proud to let most go to help our future. But the same respect should be given to those who wish to keep there fish but no there's no point saying i stuck to the bag limits and didn't do anything wrong which is valid point but as long as the fish doesn't go to any waste you really can't complain.
Thanks for bringing my name up ::) The following is not directed totally at you although it must have been a concern of your own for you to bring it up and i can understand your question but lets put things into prospective.- We have to target a certain species at particular locations which may mean we wont catch other species in these areas. If people knew the effort, time and money spent chasing some of these fish you would understand that keeping 5 Red Emporer each and also a small mixture of other reefies was totally fine. I dont travel over 200km on the water to keep a couple fish and im sure if others were in the same situation they would keep more then a few fish. Mate i was proud to throw 20 or 30 nice big reds back over the weekend and even happier to give a few away to the guys that helped get the boat back on the trailer. If i had Bag limits on all species then i would say thats over the top. I will also start tagging fish very soon and look forward to letting go 10kg or bigger reds and other species.
Your post says what do i do with all those reds and pearlies?. 10 reds and a few other reefies doesn't sound like alot to me!
I know you weren't attacking me but i just wanted to put things into a better prospective for others as well.
Regards Greg
13-07-2005, 06:21 PM
Damn fine catch and congratulations to you.
I'd also keep 3 cobes as I'd be lucky to get the opportunity to score that in a year, the catch would mean the same to me and I would ensure some families who never get fresh fish would get a great feed and I'd make sure I had a great family BBQ with a bunch of friends as well so none would go to waste. Some may feel this is also wrong but I haven't heard a valid argument to support that nor can I find an appropriate smiley to support my view so ..fizzzzzzz......
We can all be concerned about fish stocks but I think sustainable harvesting is fine so go get them. If any fish stocks are under threat then lets ensure we support the science to do what is required to keep the harvesting sustainable whatever the species.
Thanks for posting and please keep the posts coming.
cheers BB
13-07-2005, 06:40 PM
Hmmmm ... the bow rail on that boat looks suspiciously like the same one that Phil caught his cobia on!?!? Maybe you just took a photo of one of Phil's fish and stuck a fly in it's mouth (gotcha) !?!?
Wes and Phil share the same boat, trusty ol' Sherman. The fish are different...
13-07-2005, 07:20 PM
I've pasted Duckbill scone on this "juvenile" Cobia too ;D ;D ;D.
We, flyfisherman are very sneaky.
You'd be surprise what you can do with a fly rod.
14-07-2005, 04:13 AM
Greg / Reefmaster.
Mate by no means was I having a go at ya. I respect your efforts thats for sure and the miles you do to catch those beauties. As far as I am concerned if your within slot and bag limits hook in. I was trying to defend a newer member that is not well established like yourself. If I have offended you that was not my purpose, but incase appologies. I myself do at times go to these limits, then at times when I have enough I catch and release. I fish for sport and fun along with filling me gut. And thats a lot of gut. I tell ya Im 115kg of relaxed muscle. You cant keep a machine like that going on lettuce.
Greg if ya ever need a deckie, let us know.
14-07-2005, 06:32 AM
oh mate u gotta love them big cobia, i know what your son means about the sore back, the buggers are tough as nails and never give up!
14-07-2005, 01:03 PM
No worries at all mate and no need to apologise and maybe i should be the one apologising as it was for all and not really directed at yourself. It was you that brang it up so i tryed explaining it through your post. I wasn't upset about it at all but just explaining im not a fish killing machine that doesn't respect the ocean.
Cheers Greg
17-07-2005, 09:47 AM
just back from a weeks holliday. Hope I didn't miss anything! ;D
Yes, I am primarily a sportsfisherman. I get my kicks from the hunt and a fair fight. A feed a fish is a bonus. I think all fish should be respected and treated as a valuable resource, and as I said, only enough for your immediate needs should be kept. I respect others opinions and viewpoints too but I will continue to express my opinion whenever I like ;D I don't attack anyone else personally, and expect the same in return.
What is more fun and a greater achievement than catching a big fish? ...Catching the same fish on lighter line. Improves your skill as an angler IMHO.
Yes, there are plenty of other occasions when I have felt that people have kept excess, but I try not to be too critical of others within reason.
Oanda, of course it is a good catch, and congratulations are deserved. But...what I said before.
As for HigherGround. I catch plenty of good fish myself mate. You have only been around this site for a short time so you wouldn't know would you ??? By the way, do you have a real name or are you going to hide behind your membername ???
17-07-2005, 10:39 AM
Sorry there Jeremy, i didn't mean for anything to be personal towards you. I know i havent been on here for long, but from the reports i have read, you have had alot of usefull info to give people and just thought that you really bummed the guy out who was so stoked to get that catch. Thats all mate. Of coarse you can voice your opinion and its good to have different ones or this would be a boring old world.
I don't hide behind anything Jeremy.
Again, appologies if anything offended you.
18-07-2005, 03:15 PM
Hi Kurt,
good way to end this topic I think. Yes it is good to have different points of view. I will try to express mine in a way which doesn't in future. Apologies for any offence I caused, and apology accepted from Kurt.
18-07-2005, 03:45 PM
As for HigherGround. I catch plenty of good fish myself mate. You have only been around this site for a short time so you wouldn't know would you ???
Yes Higher Ground, you better wait until you've made a thousand posts or so before you have an opinion.
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