View Full Version : Barwon Banks Mayhen 09-09-05
10-09-2005, 12:29 AM
Well what can I say today was just our day.
The adventure began with us waking up at 5 am and being at the ramp at 7am. The trip out was all right and we saw some whales. At first it didn’t look good with the only fish to come onboard for the fist hour was an iodine bream and a sergeant baker then we moved in to 80 meters of water and the fun began. Dropped the anchor and before I could even get a bait in the water my uncle was on and I netted his 1.5-2 kg pearly (estimate) while I was doing that I was on too moments later two stonka pearlies came on board well to cut this part of the story short we bagged out on pearlies I around about half an hour to an hour. Them we got tired of letting good 40-50 cm specimens go so we decide to head home then dad said “ay fellas lets give this so\pot a try” so we did and I tell you what it was good that we did. We fished an area where it goes 95m 95m then suddenly rises to 77m of water the first fish on board was mine, my first ever snapper 70cm long it was a true ripsnorter of a snapper. Then dad got a few of similar size and so did my uncle. Dad later got bricked by something big (big snapper we think). And we ended up bagging out on snapper to so it was one humdinger of a fishing trip.
A lot of people said I will have my day soon and it was today for sure and without further a due the picies
P.s. rob did you get my note?
10-09-2005, 12:30 AM
10-09-2005, 12:31 AM
10-09-2005, 12:31 AM
10-09-2005, 12:32 AM
10-09-2005, 12:32 AM
10-09-2005, 12:33 AM
10-09-2005, 01:12 AM
chemmy you little champ well done son there are some nice fish there young lad.really good to see as in 1 and ahalf hours time im of to the banks myselfe though conditions won"t be that glassy i expect. good pearly"s but i thought i had a real snodger fishing a comp a few months ago whent 4.5 kilo would you believe a guy the next day got one 5 kilo what a horse (bugga) well done chemmy again i will report in if we produce the goods tight lines foockchucker ;D
10-09-2005, 01:18 AM
Nice work chemmy.. and apparently.. you was ere..
10-09-2005, 01:29 AM
Very well done Chemmy.
I bet you will not sleep tonight.
Every time you close your eyes you will see that rod getting hit, fish coming to the surface, the whole nine yards.
I would also say that you deserve a fair bit of respect that you have just earned.
God on you!!!!
10-09-2005, 05:07 AM
Top fish! well done buddy, dont i get any recognition for cleaning the fish :-[ :P. lol, thanks for the snapper and pearly, alomost gone already. catcha in 2 weeks
10-09-2005, 05:56 AM
Well done chemmy, put the hours in and your get the results. Looks like typical Friday weather out there. well done mate.
10-09-2005, 07:26 AM
:o :o
How AWESOME is that???
DOUBLE BAG OUT!!!! You are now THE KING!!!
I can still only dream of a catch like that mate
Keep those 2 spots to yourself, I reckon you've earn't them a few times over ;)
10-09-2005, 07:30 AM
Did you catch the snapps on:
1 - a rig with a light running ball sinker with reel in free-spool, or
2 - bottom bashing with a paternoster dropper rig and a heavy snapper lead?
Good on ya chemmy, the persistence has paid off mate :D I think its time to change your avatar ;) :)
10-09-2005, 08:25 AM
chemmy finally lands the big one
well done mate
I'm sure your a happy boy now
PS I bet the first thing that went throught your mind as you boated those fish was 'can't wait to post the pic's on here'
well done again
10-09-2005, 09:42 AM
well done chemmy and chemmys dad. that sure is a nice effort. congrats
cheers phil
10-09-2005, 09:43 AM
Hope you are hungry!!
10-09-2005, 10:08 AM
Hey Chemmy - looks like you and ya dad have matchin' jumpers - TEAM CHEMMY ;D ;D
10-09-2005, 10:22 AM
ROFLAMO maccamania ;D
10-09-2005, 10:26 AM
Hey chemmy,
congrats on those fish. Looks like you had a fantastic time of it. Mate, you had that success cause ya didn't give in. Everyone gave ya flack about not picking up those times on the banks when others were catching, but ya didn't let that get you down. You stuck to your guns, kept trying, kept getting tips off the others on the site, and finally your time came. Thats what fishing and life are all about, NEVER GIVING IN!! Recon it is the best feeling in the world when people are giving you stick, but ya keep trying until you produce the goods. You should feel well proud.
Good for you mate,
Cheers Fritzy
well done chemmy. fished wide of cape moreton yesterday 9/9/05, bagged out on pearlys to 4 kg. threw a lot back well over legal trying to nail some reds, but no luck, all under size, scored 1 nice cod 3 & a bit kg. all in all a good day on the water, good conditions, good fish, good company. ( snuck out before the dreaded n.westerlies) all the best, kevy. :) ;)
10-09-2005, 03:17 PM
Top stuff chemmy, champion effort [smiley=2thumbsup.gif] Love the matching jumpers :D
10-09-2005, 04:18 PM
yes good catch there chemmy, you would have had some fun fighting those snappa, they were taking the baits hard, you must have struggled finding somewhere to put them with those 2 small eskys?
and ps, yes i got your note, lol.
ps, more than 15 perlies, lucky patrol werent out ;)
10-09-2005, 04:26 PM
That showed 'em Chemmy. Top effort mate and a big hand for dad too. Keep at it son and you'll soon be up there with the best of 'em. You're gonna need a 126 litre Tropical if you keep this up.
10-09-2005, 04:32 PM
Thank you all for your comments
Scott- I was really tired so I will write it now Scott helped clean the fish good work Scott.
Maccamania- we were bottom bashing using 5/0 black magic circle hooks and 4 oz snapper leads. lol team Chemmy for sure
Caloundra- yep that was what I was thinking.
Mackmauler- yeh nthat little esky was for food but we had to eat the food quick to make room for the fish and we are now getting a new 130L Ice Kool esky
one last pic
10-09-2005, 04:44 PM
Well done Chemmy - goes to show we are really having a bumper season. ;)
but I am afraid keeping more than the possession limits is just not good enough mate >:( They are there for a reason and we should not disregard them.
Looked like a very nice day from where I was WORKING >:(
10-09-2005, 05:54 PM
for scott15
10-09-2005, 06:08 PM
Cheminator... better get urself up to dat with the rules and regs if ur gonna be gettin some big hauls.. ur allowed 5 pearl perch per a person... looks like uve got a few more :o
10-09-2005, 07:04 PM
Great stuff chemmy [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]... we all new your time would come. Gotta admire your persistance and good humour when thnigs weren't going so well.
Well done Chemmy. Looks like your persistance paid off. Good one.
10-09-2005, 09:53 PM
17 maybe 18 pearlies :(
bad boy chemmy
10-09-2005, 10:06 PM
good onya Chemmy 8-)
10-09-2005, 10:15 PM
stuff saying good on ya chemmy this is defintly what we don't need on this site
pearlies i count that can be easyly seen and thats comeing from 3 people on the boat now thats friggin 6 and a bit pearl pearch per person and what makes it worst your flunting it on here showing them!
very disapointing to say the very least (wish i could say more)
bag limits are there for YOUR fishery and for your kids if you ever have them
your been fishing long enoght around the trap to of know the bag limit and if you don't then i recomend you grab yourself a copy like your been told after the wobbie shooting and read it all the way through
people that break the bag and size limits should be reported like many people say they would on this site so your lucky your not in NSW or i would be ringing and saveing this as fast as i'm typeing this! >:(
one last thing for you chemmy
10-09-2005, 10:44 PM
I counted 15 in the boat but I guess I must have miscounted. Believe me we didn't take more than our bag limit on purpose it was a counting error. If I could take back what happened I would but I can't and I am kicking myself for my ignorance and stupidity. I know it's not any one else’s fault but mine and if it is any coalition I feel like sh!t for doing it. I know the limits and regulations but this was a counting error. Believe me it won't happen again. :-[ :-[
10-09-2005, 10:49 PM
Sorry Chemmy but no excuses can cut it - whats done is done :-/ Most have had hot bites when the fish are coming fast but not counting correctly is a lame excuse. Would this be the first time you done this :-X
If I was you I would delete this post 8-)
10-09-2005, 10:56 PM
yes this is the first time this has happened and it will be the last
11-09-2005, 11:33 AM
If your counting skills are as good as your spelling, i can see how this 'error' has taken place! ;D
11-09-2005, 12:05 PM
wow, some people must have their beer goggles on, I could only count 10 - 12. You can' t identify 19 pearlies in any of those shots. I see some squire\parrot but s#it 19 pearl perch wouldnt fit in those two eskies. Unless there is a picture I missed!!!
11-09-2005, 12:10 PM
andrew, the picture has been taken down, i hope that clears that up ::) ::)
11-09-2005, 12:57 PM
maybe one to many pics this time chemmy ;D you should know better than that mate!! not real flash at all! very disapointing actually.
11-09-2005, 02:52 PM
Jesus Chemmy you live on this site, post reply's to just about every post here whether you know what your taking about or not! you of all people should know better! This flaming has been a long time coming your a chump and there is no excuse you can give for braking the law......ignorence is not an excuse! >:(
11-09-2005, 03:16 PM
Thats disappointing buddy, chin up now and remember next time if your not sure, just dont keep any.Something I learnt as a teenager was "Ignorance is no excuse, according to the law." Some people are not going to let you forget this. I dont know how your going to make this right. Maybe your on Catch & Release only, for a while.
Chemmy aka The Barwon Dunce [smiley=dunce.gif]
11-09-2005, 03:24 PM
I'm dissapointed ANYONE who is into fishing enough to hang around a forum would do this.
Obviously the image I have in my head of the type of person that does this is pretty inaccurate.
Bugger! :o
11-09-2005, 04:36 PM
ok i think hes got the message
i cant belive you guys. any one would think the poor bugger speared a whale or something. good fishing chemmy dont let all this high horse stuff get to ya mate.
if this happened on my boat i would just throw the small ones back on the way in. mistakes counting fish happens. glad you didnt run into the law.
look forward to your next adventure and remeber to count them before comming back in.
cheers mal
11-09-2005, 04:46 PM
ok i think hes got the message
i cant belive you guys. any one would think the poor bugger speared a whale or something. good fishing chemmy dont let all this high horse stuff get to ya mate.
if this happened on my boat i would just throw the small ones back on the way in. mistakes counting fish happens. glad you didnt run into the law.
look forward to your next adventure and remeber to count them before comming back in.
cheers mal
not the first time mal something like this has happend
11-09-2005, 04:57 PM
shooting wobbies is not agaist the law and i don't know why you keep bringing that pic up
THanks for understanding gotwet and yes i got the message for sure this aint going to happen aging and i can garantee you all that don't you people know the saying "you learn from your mistakes"
11-09-2005, 05:37 PM
piece of carpet bag steak chemmy. not to worry we had a good day on sat at the banks after you but until 12.00 had only one snapper and a couple of parrot in the box until that famouse one last drift resulted in snappery squire to just over 4 kilo and a great pearley of 3.5 kilo. nice conditions despite the forcast although the trip in was a bit wet and bumpy with the north up to over 20 knts. catch ya next time you are onto them foockchucker.
11-09-2005, 06:18 PM
Hey Chemmy you got any pic's ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;Dbet you hope the fisheries didn't see that pic. $250 bucks a fish, maybe court :'( :'(hope they got the net in jail :-[ :D
11-09-2005, 06:25 PM
Whats with the "high horse" comment, didnt you chuck in your two bobs worth as well.
I know you would have learnt from your mistake, its a shame that you posted your mistake in a public forum. That really makes it worse for you, not just cause your a young fella who passes comment on almost everything. I guess other people think that someone who has been here for so long, just should know the rules and regs. Mate this kind of incident has seen men lose more than their pride. You are getting off lightly, thats a fact. Its serious stuff and I know you realise this NOW.
11-09-2005, 06:36 PM
mate i have learnt my lesson so now this thread is over and done with ok ....ok :-[
11-09-2005, 06:47 PM
What a way to spoil your first really good catch >:( Only you could turn such a top catch into a disaster. Learn the rules and stick to them .... no excuses. Who was captain of the vessel? If it was you then YOU need to take responsibility and never let anyone else talk you into doing something you shouldn't, no matter who they are.
11-09-2005, 07:28 PM
Hey fellas, It is chemmy dad's talking, I must admit we have made a honest mistake with extra perlies.
So don't blame my son for this, if it makes you feel better blame me. please call fisheries if you inclined to do so besides you the rego number and I will deal them them the honest way - don't you you worry about it.
I know I don't have to do this, but I promise you guys this will not happen again. Besides you must agree if we were the bloody law breakers trying to exploit the natural resourses of our beatifull Australia , you would not hear a word from us.... we would be just minding our business, if you know what mean.
So I would really appreciate if you cut my son a slack this time.
Have a good night till the next post from the Banks. Cheers.
11-09-2005, 07:33 PM
ive almost had a gut full of the do-gooders on here who are so quick to bag any one who makes a mistake
how about some helpful advise. and a bit of understanding.
so from now on i will not post whats going on fishing wise in my area and will not read the posts of people who are so quick to bag others.
sorry chemmy i know you said this thread is dead but these di^&h%#ds
get up my nose.
11-09-2005, 07:51 PM
Gotwet thats a real shame :'(
[smiley=laola.gif]everyone has a right to there opinion ;D
11-09-2005, 07:58 PM
That must be what they call a silent protest ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
11-09-2005, 08:09 PM
You have shown your true colours, you dont have a good understanding of what this site is about. How will this boy benefit from your advice ?
Chemmys Dad,
Its a public forum and like I said earlier, men have lost more than their pride. If his pride is dented then thats pretty trivial compared to how some other people may see this incident. Most people here like your boy and know he has a lot to learn even if he does think he has all the answers. Take a look at the good comments he recieved until the error was picked up.
11-09-2005, 08:15 PM
Chemmy time to usew that speargun my boy
11-09-2005, 08:18 PM
hmmm devocean thats it teach him violence
11-09-2005, 08:20 PM
Gotwet? Mate you have made 15 posts total most of which are in this topic, looks like you have really imparted some valuable knowledge on all of us! Everyone has a right to his or hers opinion!
11-09-2005, 08:27 PM
Chemmy time to usew that speargun my boy
Dont tell him that he has already shot himself in the foot once this weekend.
11-09-2005, 08:30 PM
It's chemmy's dad again, I know what you mean.
It just some of the posts made him really upset because we really thought we did not take more than we should. But you know things can get pretty hectic sometimes when fish is on the bite especially when it is first or second time in your life.
I love this site - it has a local profile and I bet no real law breaker ever posted anything here and I am surprised that some people don't realize this. Anyway what is done is done. We won't go fishing for next two weeks (Queenstown ski-duty calls), hope it all will quite down by then.
Best Regards
Michael Chelomanov.
11-09-2005, 08:35 PM
Like I said before, chin up mate and keep on learning.
11-09-2005, 08:39 PM
good work nice fish there mate , but u should be more cerefule what u doing
i will close eye on thise. i think u have bin punish more than in federal cort thise what u did it going around world i bolive will not hepenig again from u
cheers no_luck
11-09-2005, 08:41 PM
don't mind some remarks about your true colors, THEY ARE TRUE!!!
Thanks for your understading, really appreciate it!
Can't wait till summer spearfishing fun at Point Lookout.
Chemmy's Dad - Michael Chelomanov.
11-09-2005, 08:57 PM
Hey Chelomanov,
You want this to settle down, then dont make me out to be the bad guy. I have been diplomatic about the whole thing but trust me if you want someone to make you out to be the ignorant pair of idiots you are, then I can do that too. I was trying to be objective about your incident; In possesion of Reef fish over the specified bag limit. Stuffed if I know why I even bothered.
Dont lose any sleep over some of the comments chemmy, i wouldnt be ;) . We all make mistakes now and again. I'll be one person looking forward to your next report not too count your fish but too enjoy the photos.
11-09-2005, 09:06 PM
Please forgive me if I have offended you, I did not mean it.
Buy now.
11-09-2005, 09:08 PM
So many f###n saints,I'm sure to miss out on a spot in heaven.Wasn't there a Jew somewhere that said "let he that is without sin cast the first stone"?
11-09-2005, 09:11 PM
Goddam, will everyone let up on him. Sure, he made a mistake. If anything happens thats his business and he will deal with it. Everyone is ripping him over the coals and sure, its the wrong thing. But it is really an honest mistake. It has happened and most likely will happen again. Not from him but someone else. Its not the first time its ever happened and its not like its the last either. Im sure that we all have opinions but to try and say he is an ignorant idiot etc etc is far from the truth. He loves exactly the same thing as we do, to go out and catch a few fish. You cant all say your angels that have never broken the law before.
Im sure that most of you will try and bring this thread up again everytime something happens or diss his comments in other threads. Thats not the right way to go about things.
I dont want to sound like the "cant we all just get along" guy but lay off a little.
And spearing a wobby isnt illegal. The same as taking any mother-in-law fish. You might no think they taste any good but others might like them.
Sorry for sounding like im approving of this. Im not, i think it is wrong but at 15/16 it really doesnt make you feel great about yourself and this topic is losing members from this site.
11-09-2005, 09:17 PM
Got wet,
This is my first post so I understand I don't have much credence on this site but if you read chemmy's first post, you would of read that chemmy clearly stated that he bagged out on pearlies and was sick of throwing them back. This obviously means he counted them and carefully if the bite was so hot. As for your practice of counting fish on the way in and throwing the excess back dead, it is ......... like you who have have caused bag limits to be brought in, in the first place. If chemmy's mistake was an honest one then I suggest he spends his friday's in school brushing up on his grammar and numeracy skills and hopefully it rubs off on some other people on this site.
11-09-2005, 09:18 PM
I dont claim to be a Saint and I was trying to ease things off him until the comments started being fired at me. I wont wear it, got that Banshee. You bought it down to a whole new level.
I know he is just a boy and I tried to help him out.
11-09-2005, 09:19 PM
good work getting your dad to help you get your post count up look out 2000 ;)
I agree that what you did was wrong but I don't thing getting bagged time after time after time will help,I think you have learned your lesson and will be more careful in the future
11-09-2005, 09:21 PM
Good form with the f-word Banshee ::)
Lighten up everyone we need some humour.
Chemmy - what do you think your Ausfish penalty should be for doing this ?
Here is mine ; For the next 6 months you will not post your favourite "Got any Pics?" line ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
I've walked away and come back to this thread a few times.
Couldn't see that posting anything was going to make a difference.
Was watching 60 minutes just before. A lot of stuff about kids about chemmy's age frying their brains with pot. Seems pot's not like the stuff we had when we were younger.
Bit like fishing's changed. I wonder how many of the people that are so irate in this thread used to routinely take 100 or more tailor when they were on? Wasn't illegal - Just short sighted. So now we have bag limits (which we should respect).
Did Chemmy and his family do the wrong thing? Yep. They know that.
Did he do it deliberately? Doesn't matter to me. He's the one that's got to live with it if he did.
Is anything that's said or done here going to fix it? Not going to bring the fish back, but I reckon Chemmy's a few ounces wiser today than he was last week.
Don't lose the enthusiasm for fishing that led you to posting the pics in the first plcae. Just harness it and learn from this.
There are far worse roads in life you could be travelling down.
11-09-2005, 09:33 PM
Have fixed my problem,now how about some of you blokes that feel the need to come back two and three times at this young fella that obviously knows he's made a blue get over it.
11-09-2005, 09:35 PM
I dont mind if chemmy smokes lunatic grass for the rest of his days, but counting errors like this one would suggest he lay off it a bit, is that what ya saying ;D ;D ohhhh the munchies, i hope u dont eat those perlies too fast chemster ;D ;D
11-09-2005, 09:42 PM
The passion Fellas around here show for fishing & mates is incredible, lets not get side tracked too much in future. Now I must go and show the Missus how passionate I am about her.
Good night Lads
11-09-2005, 09:52 PM
don't let the "turkeys" get ya down ...chemmy...
your got many more years ahead of yourself to mis count.... ::)
i believe the young fellow has learnt a lot now about posting... :-[
great catch of "snappa" of luck on ya next trip.... ;)
11-09-2005, 09:54 PM
now you all got that of your chest this thred is OVER
12-09-2005, 06:17 AM
yep ill agree... this thread has gone to the shitter!! we have all posted our little bit to show our disapointment, i am thinking he has well and truely learnt he wont get away with it (even if the DPI dont catch him). how about we just move along and look forward to next weekend. 5-10 knots would be nice.
ps. gotwet, are you and "getwet" one and the same? if so i hope you continue to post your reports.
12-09-2005, 01:34 PM
Well I went away for the weekend on a drinking binge and what do I come back to? :o
Nice fish Chemmy. Nice report with plenty of detail.
You have learned a lot in the last 2 days I am sure. Be careful what you say and post in public forums at all times. Would be nothing worse than admitting to fishing a green zone for example and being caught out by a report.
12-09-2005, 04:29 PM
bad luck chemmy everyone makes mistakes in life bloke the adults are more to blame though so keep ya chin up and do not let your eyes go too squinty. quality not quantity is the key chemmy as in most comps a 10 kilo fish will out do a heap of smaller ones keep smiling and read the rule book WELL the fines are there and will be enforced and as you probley well know we are all glad they are.
12-09-2005, 05:17 PM
Man you loaded! Well done. Bet you can't wait to get back out there.
15-09-2005, 05:42 PM
2852 views in 5 days is this a new record,
cheers mal
15-09-2005, 06:06 PM
Awesome report Chemmy [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]. That would have to be the best report since I joined.
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