View Full Version : Bay Report 18th/19th Nov

19-11-2005, 01:56 PM
Howdy Folks, Well after following Seabreeze.com.au for the last few days it was looking good for an overnight/morning plastic session.
Jim and i launched my boat at Whyte Island just prior to midnight Friday.
Headed out to a calm bay and found some structure to drift plastics in the moonlight.
Talk about the dead sea.!!.....nothing touched the plastics in the first hour and when i did finally get a strike all that came aboard was a squire head.....Damn Sharks!
Jim had a scorching run and then twang the line severed......mackerel or shark?
Re rig and back into the bay for another few hours soaking.
Can,t understand why the fish did not play the game last night.....maybe too much food for them.
Dawn arrives and we head out to the 10 metre zone to hunt a few larger snapper.
Heaps of bait schools showing but no action.
Tide was in the last hour of the ebb so that might be the reason they would not fire up.
Meet up with Steven and he said the shallow ground was producing a few fish so we tried our luck on the 4 metre contour dropoff.
I threw on some gulps and first cast 1 keeper squire.....second and third also put another 2 squire in the esky.
My baitcaster/rod reel combo then buckled over and i started to fight what seemed like a decent fish.
A few minutes later a large Catfish comes to the surface.......Talk about stink!!!!
I released it unharmed to haunt another ausfish member..lol ;D
Mid morning and it was a bit quiet so we decided to head further north.
Found a nice bommie near a floating marker and proceeded to cast out our plastics.
Bang!!!!!! Jim hooks up to a quality fish that gave him some run around.
Minutes later he was happy with a snodger bream in the net. :o
Had a visit from the boys in blue checking out the safety gear......Watched them chase down one boat that headed for home ;D
A tired pair of fisherman finally call it a night/day before lunch time but was a top night weather wise under the stars and moon.
Hope some of you came home with a feed but if not there,s always a next time.
Cheers Brent :)

19-11-2005, 02:02 PM

19-11-2005, 02:41 PM
Gidday Brent,

Seemed very dry from where we fished, got to Mud at about 5.30am and noticed straight away that there were nowhere near the usual amount showing on the sounder, and it was no different when throwing plastics around. We got a few in the boat, but only one keeper at around 37cm.

It seemed too perfect with little wind, and very little tide. It took about 20 mins to drift 10 yards.. Not one of my better days.. :(

You seemed to do OK.. Well done!


19-11-2005, 02:53 PM
Mate the tide was almost none exsistant.......like you said very little run and Snapper like a faster tide thats for sure.
Perfect day in Paradise makes up for the lack of fish in the esky.
DON'T YA JUST LOVE A CHALLENGE.......Next trip they will be that much bigger ;D
Cheers Brent ;)

19-11-2005, 03:11 PM
Did you have a pic of that half fish? it was very slow today and i think it was because the drift or lack of.
Well done Jim (: thats a huge Bream. what was it caught on?
Tammy and I headed in as i thought around 9am onward it would blow up. We only got two keepers.

19-11-2005, 03:43 PM
Steven ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM Baby Bass......BREAMBOS just couldn't resist.
Here's another pic of what happened to my squire last night.
Its hard enough catching the fish let alone sharing the meal..lol ;D

19-11-2005, 04:54 PM
Yummy there is still at little meat there ;D Enough for the Mud crabs.

19-11-2005, 05:43 PM
Aquarius & Scalem,
U both commented on lack of tide run- was this before the low tide approx 4.30am ? -after that there was supposed to be a 1.75m run up to a 2.02m high approx 11.30am so it should have been moving well by say 6am.
Couldnt go this morning due to kids sports so am curious why no run? :-/
Heading Cape-Hutchies tomorrow & will note early current movements.
Appreciate your thoughts. 8-)

19-11-2005, 06:40 PM
hope you threw it back as it is now undersize lol ;D ;D

19-11-2005, 06:54 PM
that is one big and very silver lookin bream! what did it measure on the lie detector mate?

19-11-2005, 06:55 PM
hey steven78 { thanks mate for offering mee and my boy that snapper at the boat ramp :-[ geezz talk about the one that got away last saturday thanks anyway but i really had my eye on the one you didnt give mee ;D

19-11-2005, 08:50 PM
Uripper yes i was commenting on the early morning low but even the oncoming high that followed seemed to flow slowly for some reason.
A big flooding tide that pushed out plenty of water but still not the usual run for a big tide......maybe someone with tidal info could comment further.

1337 The Bream went 40cms but was very thick in the shoulders.
Didn't weigh it but at a guess around the kilo + mark.
Cheers Brent

20-11-2005, 12:42 AM
Nice bream Brent (and Jim). Yep, although we had a humungous tide range this morning (Saturday), it moved slower than a month of pay-days at Mud. Of course, it didn't really move that slowly, it just appeared to, in fact, it must move faster than your average tidal days because in her infinite wisdom, God moves much more water in a given space of time, so it must move faster.

Mud fished pretty poorly this morning up until about 11.30AM, but there is a storey about the one that got away, but there were no wittnesses!!

21-11-2005, 10:06 AM
Nice fish there Brent, atleast you got something, Scott and i went out yesturday for some Macks and didn't get anything which is unusal because we usaly get something, we seen them in the water but didn't bite, i think the Northly wind had something to do with it >:( they weren't really in a feeding frenzy either. Nice Snoger Bream though Jim.

21-11-2005, 11:37 AM
Great bream Brent & Jim. We fished the Banks Saturday on a picture post card day and there was zilcho current at all until a gentle nor-easter kicked in around lunchtime. Almost too perfect to catch a few.
