21-11-2005, 08:12 PM
Went out the front of redcliffe\scarborough,and achored up against some reef. We fished for a little while and hung out some dead herring that we got in the pine river on saturday night.We got a few nibbles of the herring.Then we saw some garfish jumping out of the water getin chased about 20 meters away. We moved over to the school and started to throw some mackeral slugs around and some softies. After about 4-5 casts on the mack slugs,I hooked upto somthin big. It ran along the reef tring to brick me and my backing started to come out.then he spagged the dad (rainbowrunner)and i went oooohhhhhhhhhhhh dam. We hung out a dead mullet and caught a wobbegong. There was a whole school of garfish behind the boat and we found out that it was hard to catch em with hooks so we thru the cast net and got a few. We hung 2 floties and got smashed by a taylor. I hung out a dead garfish and caught a stingray,so we thought a move was in ordr, we saw a few birds chasing some longtails or mack tuna and went and had a look. We didnt see much so we went back to out the front redcliffe and drifted with some gars. We caught a cuttle fish and got hit by taylor and then saw a school of hardy heads, thru a lure at it and got nothin so we decided to go home.
cheers, caught-ya (son of rainbowrunner)
cheers, caught-ya (son of rainbowrunner)