17-11-2005, 12:02 PM
hey guys
Finally got to go for a fish, after finishing my exams and driving to Maryborough. Wasnt too concerned about the strong wind warning, cause i was desperate. Didnt end up getting to the jetty til around 830. While at the jetty i saw one big bustoff, a failed hook up and 1 nice Broadbar Mackie caught. I got there to late to do ny good myself. At around 12, with the wind driving me insane, i pulled the pin and headed to the marina to flick some Sps. Got down in behind the wall to get out of the wind and managed 1 pike, 1 small estuary cod and a 27cm flounder. Was using 2 1/2 in atomic paddletails in green gord.
Anyway, for all those going to the m&g next week, its looking pretty good, with goldens, GTs, spotty, schoolie and broadbar mackies being caught nearly every day
See u all there
Saw the good whiting that were getting caught off the pier yesterday, so headed out at dusk to try my hand at catching the little suckers. using worms and yabbies, Got 6, smallest 24, largest 30cm plus one 35cm flatty that went back to grow up a bit.
(10 days to go [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif])
hey guys
Finally got to go for a fish, after finishing my exams and driving to Maryborough. Wasnt too concerned about the strong wind warning, cause i was desperate. Didnt end up getting to the jetty til around 830. While at the jetty i saw one big bustoff, a failed hook up and 1 nice Broadbar Mackie caught. I got there to late to do ny good myself. At around 12, with the wind driving me insane, i pulled the pin and headed to the marina to flick some Sps. Got down in behind the wall to get out of the wind and managed 1 pike, 1 small estuary cod and a 27cm flounder. Was using 2 1/2 in atomic paddletails in green gord.
Anyway, for all those going to the m&g next week, its looking pretty good, with goldens, GTs, spotty, schoolie and broadbar mackies being caught nearly every day
See u all there
Saw the good whiting that were getting caught off the pier yesterday, so headed out at dusk to try my hand at catching the little suckers. using worms and yabbies, Got 6, smallest 24, largest 30cm plus one 35cm flatty that went back to grow up a bit.
(10 days to go [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif])