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04-12-2005, 04:43 PM
Off on yet another two weeks fishing up at Agnes/1770.

This time I invited TheOldLegend aka John for a couple of days and also Hookem Herby aka Herby, as well as his fiance'e Helen.

Our options were limited by closures but that doesn't affect a bit of mackeral fishing at Bustard, it is always a good standby when the reef fishing is out.

TOL turned up after lunch time on the 22nd, fortunately the weather prediction for the following day was good.

After he settled in, it was decided to launch the tinnie and head up the inlet to check on the crab pots. Sadly somebody had got to them before us.... not only does this person steal the crabs but he/she also cuts up the draw string and destroys the bait keeper as well. More about that later.

The next day we packed the gear and headed off to Bustard, the plan was to tow around for some fish then go into Pancake Creek to show TOL one of the most beautifull spots on the east coast.

The weather wasn't perfect up at Bustard and niether was the fishing but TOL still managed to finally land his first spanish, he did it with skill but sadly we lost more fish that morning than we landed, I suspected school mackeral were hammering out baits and after speaking with one of the pro mackeral fishermen, it seemed to be the case.

We steamed into Pancake for lunch and were not disappointed, the place is always magic. It was then back to home for the usual cleanup.

The next day it was decided to drive TOL up to Awoonga for a look see, unfortunately we came back empty handed but had a good time anyway, it was his first trip to the dam and my second.

Friday TOL headed off home to Brizzie, but will definately be back, he was great company and a very keen fisho.

Herby and Helen arrived later that day and as the weather was looking great we decided to launch Herbie's boat and try for a mackeral or three, we weren't dissapointed and ended up with four nice mackeral, the small ones were still a problem and we ended up running out of bait because of them, although toward the end I tied on one of two tuna I still had in the bucket, it didn't last long so I decided to rig up the last bait which happened to be a very large bonito.

Herbie did say it was around 2.5kg but I really think it was more around 1.5kg. Anyway, we were going to test the big bait big fish theory.

Didn't have to wait long, it took around five minutes for the rod to bend over to a good fish, Herby generously let me have the rod for the last fish of the day.... considering he trampled everyone getting to the hookups earlier :P, .....which actually back fired at one stage, as Herby now has the high distinction of probably being the only person in history to catch a moray eel on the troll ;D. Although I can't talk, as I landed a big long tom just before that.

It's a damn site easier taking the hooks out of a long tom than a moray eel!. :o Herbie... you should appreciate your deckie a bit more!!! back to the hooked fish.

After about 15 minutes we knew it wasn't going to be a good mackeral, but still held out hope it may have been a good cobia, after another five minutes or so it became pretty obvious what it was.

We decided to have a bit of fun anyway.... after 40 minutes on 80lb braid, fun soon became serious pain, I would manage to get the shark three quarters of the way up only to see it head back for the bottom.

In the series of photos you will see daylight become dark, and the smile on Herbie's face vanish after I handed the rod over to him.

To his credit, after another 15 minutes he managed to get it up to a point where we got a look. It was a tiger shark in the 200-300kg range.

The next day was us v's them, Helen and I in my boat and Tony with Herbie in B.o.B. Inspite of me hiding banana cake in their boat (which they found half way to Bustard) they did well.

The day sadly went to the fellas :'(, I will be a good sport and congratulate them on their win. WELL DONE GUYS ::)

Helen and I did not let the side down though, the toughest thing was losing the fish of the day at the side of the boat when the hooks pulled... but thats fishing, have to take the good with the bad.

I would also like to thank Helen for being such a good sport and her good company. Considering she is not a fishing tragic like me she did well.

At this point I will extend the challenge again for sometime in '06. How about it Herbie?

In finishing up I would like to say that I've had a great two weeks shared with some top people.

Cheers Roz

04-12-2005, 04:46 PM
The Old Legend and his first Spanish Mackeral, hopefully the first of many.

04-12-2005, 04:48 PM
The Legend and his mackerel in Pancake.

04-12-2005, 04:50 PM
a fish from the day before

04-12-2005, 04:53 PM
Some of the fish from Friday afternoon.

04-12-2005, 04:55 PM
and more

04-12-2005, 04:58 PM
the shark pics

04-12-2005, 05:01 PM
still feeling no pain

04-12-2005, 05:03 PM
starting to hurt and it's getting dark.

04-12-2005, 05:05 PM
Herbie takes over, note the smile.

04-12-2005, 05:07 PM
Herbie starting to feel the pinch.

04-12-2005, 05:10 PM
Next day, on the way up to Bustard...again.

Herbies boat

04-12-2005, 05:12 PM
The boys have just discovered the banana cake

04-12-2005, 05:16 PM
Into Pancake Creek for lunch, I park the boat in at one of the little beaches.

04-12-2005, 05:19 PM
Managed to get a picture of us on the way home, Helen is holding up one of our fish.

04-12-2005, 05:22 PM
Sunset on the way home. End of a good day.

04-12-2005, 05:38 PM
top report roz,
pitty about loozin your big spanish :-[
top stuff
cheers dale

04-12-2005, 05:50 PM
A nice place indeed and plenty of macks, did you see any spotties up there Roz? The way perko was telling it they should have been on the move. you mustnt have found any canibals in that creek when you went in for lunch, im sure at the right time you certainly would ;D

04-12-2005, 06:30 PM

Didn't see any spotties, the only time I've ever caught them up there is when I've thrown a few slugs around, and then they have only been small.. T&R only.

Had a friend who used to tow pillies and pick up dozens of them, usually in September.

They turn up down here, often after Christmas, we tend to get quality not quantity, 5kg is average up to 8kg which is good for a spottie.

If you want more on the spotties up north pm me.


04-12-2005, 06:58 PM
last time i was there (1770)we tried crabbing every night,every morning no crabs .NO BAIT.one night hid up in mangrovesBINGO not just one boat,LOTS OF BOATS RAIDING THE POTS,what a joke.after that we cut all floats off and sunk them.from then on we started to get a few crabs.by the way there is some great re

ef out from 1770

ps did you troll or float for the mac's

04-12-2005, 07:13 PM
Top pics Roz looks like a good trip.

04-12-2005, 07:59 PM
Looks like you had some great weather and some pretty reasonable fishing!!!

04-12-2005, 08:14 PM
Good report Roz. nice pics and good to see Herby loosing that smile. Those Tigers hurt you after a while.

Also, I'm sure Rob will be happy to see the blood on the macks in the pics ;D

Pity about the lost Mack at the boat. >:(

And to Dan, see, I told ya she could catch Spanish mackerel :P

Looks like the Ausfish gang and Team ReBait will be heading up there again in 06. Just have to set dates etc.

Cheers Phill

04-12-2005, 08:45 PM
Seems that no one goes away unhappy after a fishin meet with you Roz. Looks to be a nice area up there....the fish are just an added bonus ;).
Cheers, Jay

04-12-2005, 09:51 PM
Hi Jay,

Thanx for that.

Hard not to have fun up there, I know for a fact the cobia population up there would give you a run for your money....I am sure you would win in the end though.

Mr Stinker,

I trolled baits, mainly slimies... not much point in fishing the bottom during closures.


04-12-2005, 11:52 PM
Onya Roz ,
Top report and photo's , and good to see you got into some Spannies .
Tradgic to hear that the boys won the day ::)

Phil ,
1770 in 06 Bring it On .

Searaider 2

05-12-2005, 03:34 AM
Just a public thank you to Roz and Tony for putting up with me during my short stay up there. The next time will be longer, you can bet on that.

The first day on the water, we went to the Outer Rocks and after trolling for a short while, one of the rods went off (not mine) and Roz very graciously let me have the honour. Got it to the boat only to lose it when the hooks came out, one of which embedded itself in Roz's finger. Took me a while to work out why she was jumping around a bit, but fortunately the barb didn't go in.

Got the second one in, and I was stoked, especially as it was my first Spanish. Couldn't have done it without Tony though. Got a number of hookups after that, but unfortunately didn't get them to the boat. Stopped off at Pancake Creek on the way back, and boy, is that some good looking country!! Crystal clear water, coral on the bottom; makes you want to stay there for ever.

The second day saw us at Awoonga, but the barra weren't in the right frame of mind. Nevertheless, a day on the water is still a top day.

Had to leave the next day, but got some top pics, and had a ball in the company of 2 top people. Looking forward to going there again!!


05-12-2005, 07:46 AM
Good to see you had a good time Roz... did give your mobile a ring....[Got it from Tony } no Answer :-?...will catch up and we will see if we can get you a Awoonga Barra

05-12-2005, 09:39 AM
After he settled in, it was decided to launch the tinnie and head up the inlet to check on the crab pots. Sadly somebody had got to them before us.... not only does this person steal the crabs but he/she also cuts up the draw string and destroys the bait keeper as well. More about that later.

Cheers Roz

Sounds like a great trip. When do we get the "more about that later " re the pots.

05-12-2005, 09:45 AM
Dammit Roz

my Boss has such a desire to fish and look around 1770

and then ya go and add TOL in the picture...when she has been flirting with him

great looking place and great pics

we will be passing you in January on our way to Awoonga ;D


05-12-2005, 11:02 AM
Herbie did say it was around 2.5kg but I really think it was more around 1.5kg. Anyway, we were going to test the big bait big fish theory.

Roz, it's a fishing report ... you're meant to EXAGGERATE!!! :P ::) :-X ;)
Btw - you're probably right. :-/

...... Herby generously let me have the rod for the last fish of the day.... considering he trampled everyone getting to the hookups earlier

Hey baby, survival of the fittest! You snooze you lose ;) ;D ;D ;D 8-)

.....which actually back fired at one stage, as Herby now has the high distinction of probably being the only person in history to catch a moray eel on the troll ;D. Although I can't talk, as I landed a big long tom just before that.

And what a title to hold. Quite an honour! ANYONE else ever caught one slow trolling??? :o :-? :P

It's a damn site easier taking the hooks out of a long tom than a moray eel!. :o Herbie... you should appreciate your deckie a bit more!!!

I do appreciate my deckie, I praised Tony all w.e. about his boat driving, fishing, gaffing and great company! :P ;D :D ;)
You did do well to unhook the moray beside the boat I must say, looked to me like you'd had a bit of experience doing it too! :o ;) :-*

At this point I will extend the challenge again for sometime in '06. How about it Herbie?

Sure Roz, whatever it takes to prove that it WASN'T a fluke. I'm just happy that you were my deckie for a day and that the apprentice was able to match it with the master.
On a more serious note, I want to thank Roz again for everything she has taught me about mackerel fishing and rigging dead baits. She's a true champion in my books and you won't find many people out there with a kinder (or bigger) heart. Thanks again for inviting Helen and me up for a few days, we had a ball as usual and hopefully we can do it again in the new year. ;D
Who knows, maybe Waterfront Drive will be built this time next year!?!? :o
Great report and pics btw, I'll see if I can get a few more off Hel's camera to add to your collection.


05-12-2005, 01:52 PM
we will be passing you in January on our way to Awoonga ;D


Dammot Juicy...gimme that dam road map :-/

05-12-2005, 02:02 PM

Damn.....ya looked at another road map!!!!!

Ok ok, so ya going to making it to Awoonga after all for a fish with me!!

Don't forget to go right into Gladstone.....don't take the bypass.......come out the other side of Gladstone, head towards Rocky.....then do several left rights if ya hit Brisbane or Townsville, u have gone too far...........*wink*

Nah, in all seriousness, will get ya a propa map.


05-12-2005, 02:29 PM
Why dont you lay a trap for the mongrels that keep stealing and cutting up your pots etc. I think this is the second or 3rd report Ive heard of this happening. I seem to remember a story from an old pro crabber who use to put some hrrible tar like substance on the rope and if any one tried pulling the lines up they would get it all over themselves and their boat.

I reckon amongst the forum we would have some very lateral thinkers and possible ways to get even without getting violent.

Thanks for the report and the great pictures.


05-12-2005, 05:44 PM
Hey Gunna & bigmack,

I think I will post the mudcrab story on General Chat over the next few days. It would have spoiled a good fishing story as there was nothing funny about it. Hope you will let me know your thoughts.

cheers roz

05-12-2005, 09:36 PM
Hi Roz, thanks for the kind words about me not being a total fishing spack (it's Helen btw). Thanks also for not mentioning the whole fishing-line-meets-propeller thing either... ;)
It's definitely on for next year. Herby's acting brave, but it's just a front. Also wondering where Tony's pictures are? ::) :-?
Hopefully see you soon! Thanks again for letting us stay. Helen

05-12-2005, 10:10 PM

I should have posted some of his pics, but I didn't have the heart....at least you could see where the boat was. That was one of the better ones!

take care


06-12-2005, 12:25 AM
Hey Roz/Herb/Old legend,
Some great fishing there - accompanied by some sensational fish. Are spanish usually taken on trolled dead baits or do lures work just as well. Also, love the SMILE Herb - looks like a colgate commercial mate. Pity you always start off happy, then as the time and tension builds, the smile gradually transforms... Until you catch the sucker...
We had on a fish at fraser last year on half a tailor that took around 300m of line on its first run. I was yelling and screaming and going beserk. After some 45 minutes of full pressure, gaining maybe 50 m before loosing about another 200 my smile and whooping had evapourated too!! At least you got to have a look at your beast. Mine didn't come that close to the beach.
Cheers Fritzy

06-12-2005, 05:52 AM
You can get them on lures .... I think Roz has always done better on trolled dead baits and all the pros up there use slimies (dead or alive) so that should give you some indication as to what works best (most of the time)! ;D ;)
On the Friday arvo when we were trolling around Outer Rock, there were a couple of guys catching fish on trolled H/B lures (at around 8-9 knots), so they definately work. Tony and I picked up a couple smaller fish on the Sat on a Rapala lure but no keepers. I'm going to give the entire lure box a work out next time I'm up there!!! lol :o ::) :P


06-12-2005, 08:28 AM
they are some great fish there roz but was very impressed with the muscle tone in the biseps and delts; what do you bench press. fished with a girl out on lord howe regulary that can bench press 100 and spas with the best of us great to see the finer sex surving it up to the lads you go girl! ;)

06-12-2005, 08:47 AM

Bloody Sharks! You would think by now I would have more sense, but nooooooo, we had to go and have a play.

Trouble is, I am just as stubborn as Herby...the more Herby hovered around saying "give it to me...give it to me" the longer I fished..... around 40 minutes longer.

Mackeral fishing at Bustard can be amazing, but has been a bit patchy for a while, my preference for bait would be livies but I don't have a tank in the VC so I make do with dead baits.

The best six would be tailor, bonito, horsies, slimies, gar and pike. I used to use lures but found that in the long run baits out fished them 10 to one, but on the right day lures can prove to be very successful, infact we saw that on the Friday.

Funny thing happened on Saturday, Helen and I were trolling and I noticed one of the baits didn't seem to be swimming properly, I wound it in to find it had hooked up to almost 15 metres of line attached to a halco lure. Must have been lost by the crew from the evening before.

Finders keepers I suppose.

What are the chances of that hapening again? Probably about the same as somebody catching a moray eel......on the troll :o Sorry Herb I've gotta let it die.


06-12-2005, 09:11 PM
Hi Roz,
Great report and pics,it sounds as though a good time was had by all,although how hard is it to enjoy yourself up in God's country.Looking forward to the next trip up there


07-12-2005, 06:24 PM
I recon stubborness is part and parcel of the real art of fishing. Saying to yourself, 1 last session, 1 more hour, one more cast, one more cast... When your shoulders are hurting like hell from throwing lures for hours straight. Do you give in? When you do, how often do you see a fella show up a pin a monster first cast. ::) ::) Had you kept going it could have been your fish. :'(
How often do you get the best fish cause you stuck it out. There are heaps of times this has happened to me. Stuck it out in the freezing cold (without waders) one night on the beach - took my best ever tailor. Stuck it out one night off the rocks, took my best ever bream. I think the emotional toughness learned through persistance in fishing is one of the best lessons. While you may not be comfortable, there is always the chance (often only a small chance) that a great fish will come to the party as long as your line is in the water. Go home early, stay in bed, go home to get warm, miss the big one. Thats something i love about fishing - persistance is usually rewarded. Keep doing things right, keep trying, and eventually the fish will come. The hundreds of fishless trips are so quickly forgotten when a big fish finally comes to play.
Keep trying those big baits, i have little doubt that your next post will have pictures of a HUGE SPANYIARD. Once again, congratulations on a sensational trip - nothing better than catching great fish with great company.
Cheers Fritzy

07-12-2005, 06:43 PM
That was a really nice reply, everything you wrote is so true.

Thank you again Fritzy.
